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我再也不做坎普莱特家的人。And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

老人,来自凯普莱特家族。An old Man, of the Capulet family.

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卡布利特往看,惊骇凝视茱丽。Capulet looked down and stared at Juliet in horror.

凯普雷特夫人简要地说,你能喜欢巴里斯求爱吗?LADY CAPULET Speak briefly, can you like of Paris' love?

卡布利特夫人往下看,然后惊骇地凝视茱丽叶。Lady Capulet looked down and stared at Juliet in horror.

卡布利特夫人听到这个消息时并不怎么高兴。When Lady Capulet heard the news, she was not very happy.

凯普勒特夫人坚持住,奶妈,拿着这些钥匙,再弄些调料送去。LADY CAPULET Hold, take these keys, and fetch more spices, nurse.

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他的表哥班佛利欧和卡布利特夫人那位性格急躁的侄儿提伯特。His cousin Benvolio and Tybalt, the hotheaded nephew of Lady Capulet.

也许你不愿意这样做,那么只要你宣誓做我的爱人,我也不愿再姓凯普莱特了。Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet.

我爱上了卡布利特大人的女儿茱丽叶,而她也爱上我了。I'm in love with Juliet, Lord Capulet 's daughter, and she is in love with me.

她告诉茱丽叶要开始为星期四早上的婚礼作准备。Lady Capulet told Juliet to begin preparing for her wedding on Thursday morning.

茱丽叶已经与她的祖先们一起长眠在卡布利特家族的墓冢里,她的灵魂已与天使同在。Juliet sleeps in the Capulet tomb with her ancestors and her soul is with the angels.

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他翻墙进了凯普莱特的果园,正好听见了朱丽叶在窗口情不自禁呼唤罗密欧的声音。He over the wall into a capulet orchards, just heard he called romeo and Juliet at the window.

当他到达卡布利特家族墓园时,他吹熄了火把,并在教堂院子里的树林旁等候着。When he reached the Capulet tomb, he blew out the torch and waited by the trees in the churchyard.

以我们的例子来看,除了罗密欧与茱丽叶,其他卡普雷家族的人应该都不会坐在蒙太古家族的人旁边。In our example, with the exception of Romeo and Juliet, no Capulet should be seated next to a Montague.

也许你不违心这样做,那么只要你宣誓做偶地爱人,咱也不愿再姓凯普莱特拉。Deny your father and refuse your name, or if you will not, swear to be my love and Irll no longer be a Capulet.

放弃你的父亲和你的姓氏,或者,你不愿意,就向我的爱发誓,那我将不再属于凯普莱特家族。Deny thy father and refuse thy name, or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet.

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当巴利斯带着一队乐师来接准新娘,卡布利特大人便差遣奶妈去唤醒茱丽叶。When Paris arrived with a band of musicians to meet his bride-to-be, Lord Capulet sent the nurse to wake Juliet.

提伯特说他看到班佛利欧拔剑对着卡布利特家的几名仆人,于是很快地加入这场对峙,以保护自己家族的人。Tybalt said he saw Benvolio draw his sword against some Capulet servants and quickly joined in to protect his own people.

罗密欧·蒙塔古与朱丽叶·卡普莱特共坠爱河,且秘密成婚,但罗密欧因杀死了朱丽叶的表哥而遭流放。Romeo Montague falls in love with Juliet Capulet and they marry secretly, but Romeo kills Juliet's cousin and is banished.