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他总是草率行事。He behaves in a brash way.

一个黑人如此轻率无礼在当时是很少见的。For a black man to be so brash was unique at the time.

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一个大厦林立、妄自尊大、繁杂喧闹、傲慢无礼的城市。The city of high-rises, proud and loud, big and brash.

那个鲁莽的小伙子由于不谨慎,导致他女朋友怀了孕。That brash boy has been careless enough to prang up his girlfriend.

她未婚夫的继母直接了当地说她是一个举动轻率,傲慢无礼的新娘。Her fiance's stepmother famously accused her of acting like a brash celebrity bride.

谷歌的跨国经营规模和它的雄心壮志给欧洲政治家们敲响了警钟。Google’s border-straddling scale and its brash ambitions raise alarms with some European politicians.

司机们又开始出现在马路上,他们不仅仅担心路面上的冰,还害怕其他性急的驾车者。Drivers, fearing not just the ice but other brash Texans driving on it, are beginning to emerge again.

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每个人都在工作中认识一些又无礼又讨嫌的“万事通”,总是要公开地确认他的价值。Everybody knows the brash and obnoxious “hot-shot” type at work that needs to validate his worth publicly.

该保险推销员一语双关入侵神圣的隐私办事处的公司总裁。The brash insurance salesman invaded the sacrosanct privacy of the office of the president of the company.

千斤顶和激射有着很深的联系和友好的竞争,他们都想赢对方。Wheeljack and Hot Shot had a deep bond and friendly rivalry, each trying to outdo the other's brash antics.

年青而性情急躁的海军大臣温斯顿·丘吉尔对海军航空特别关心。The brash young First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill showed particular interest in naval aviation.

年青而性情急躁的海军大臣温斯顿邱吉尔对海军航空特别关心。The brash young first lord of the admiralty, winston churchill showed particular interest in naval aviation.

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正如我昨天在和罗兰菲尔德曼的采访中所说,他们开公司就像开车一样自然。They’re brash. As I said in this interview with Loren Feldman yesterday, they start companies like they drive.

这个自大的酋长国的海湾邻居们暗中希望引诱银行家们和商人们加入到与迪拜对抗的金融中心。The brash emirate’s Gulf neighbours quietly hoped to tempt bankers and business people to their rival financial hubs.

那时的阿尔弗雷德·罗素·华莱士真是个行事鲁莽的毛头小子,当他构思自然选择学说时,他根本没有想到自己的一生都会贡献给一本将有十卷之多的著作。Alfred Russel Wallace was young and brash. When he conceived of natural selection, he didn't plan a 10-volume lifework.

他们还年轻,还神气十足,还固守着一份自豪感,这种感觉自打第一任布什政府时我就没再体验过。They're young and brash and still possess that sense of pride I haven't experienced since the first Bush administration.

但日本官方仓促的声明恰好反映出美国领导下的日美同盟不断加强的对于遏制力量日益增强的中国海军所作出的努力。But the Japanese official's brash comment reflected the growing, U. S. -led efforts to contain China's rising naval power.

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他为观众带来了各类俗气的娱乐节目以及进口肥皂剧,一扫了当时传媒行业的古板守旧作风。He gave people brash game shows and imported soaps, sweeping away the fusty piety that had previously dominated the media.

因此想要吸引顾客注意,就的大胆、大剌剌,甚至大言不惭地宣传自己最明显的好处。Therefore, to be noticed, you have to be bold, brash and almost in-your-face about the most overt benefit you have to offer.

李逵具有农民的纯朴、粗豪的品质,反抗性很强,对正义事业和朋友很忠诚,但性情急躁。Li Kui with the simplicity of the farmers, Cuhao quality, against the strong, for just cause and are loyal friends, but brash.