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我是媄。你叫什麽名字?My name is Jan.

弗丽达和简披露出这一新闻。Frieda and Jan break the news.

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约1620年由海耳蒙特首先制成。First prepared c. 1620 by Jan B.

克里斯蒂·贝克尔下士,1月31日。Lance Cpl. Kristi Baker on Jan. 31.

提供建议的截止期为2011年1月6日。The proposal deadline is Jan. 6, 2011.

莱丝莉和珍在公园碰面。Leslie and Jan are meeting in the park.

2000年1月11日由陆地卫星7号拍摄Image taken by Landsat 7 on Jan. 11, 2000

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拜纳姆在1月13日与灰熊的比赛中受伤。Bynum was injured Jan. 13 against Memphis.

1月8日,在Nawzad地区祈祷的阿富汗人。Afghan men pray in Nawzad district, on Jan. 8.

2009年1月31日,春节大年初六,和父母在一起。Jan 31, 2009. with parents in chinese new year.

我希望简能得到她一直渴望的教授职位。I hope Jan gets that professorship she's in for.


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马巴胡赫1月19日从叙利亚来到迪拜。Al-Mabhouh arrived in Dubai from Syria on Jan. 19.

简和道格正开车去乡村度假。Jan and Doug are driving to the country on holiday.

在1月22日释放,“韦埃尔”是萨尔曼的宠物项目。Releasing on Jan 22, "Veer" is Salman's pet project.

可儿在2011年1月6日生下的他们的儿子,费林。Kerr gave birth to their son, Flynn, on Jan. 6, 2011.

格兰王的妻子,特利斯坦和简的生母。The wife of King Gran, and mother of Tristan and Jan.

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没错。他们说是简?芳达主演的。You bet. They say the heroine is played by Jan Fonda.

起初,简和库尔特心里发慌,求她别走。At first Jan and Kurt panicked and begged her to stay.

1月13日我写了汽车,1月12日我写了铝。I wrote about cars Jan. 13 and about aluminum Jan. 12.