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他的骄傲使他垮台了。His pride procured his downfall.

愿他们因自己的计谋跌倒。Let their intrigues be their downfall.

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我的座右铭是“为了邪恶的倒台”,My motto is "to the downfall of evil",

这桩丑闻最终使他身败名裂。The scandal finally led to his downfall.

多种因素的作用导致了他的倒台。Various factors contributed to his downfall.

他的身败名裂是由赌博和酗酒造成的。His downfall was caused by gambling and drink.

不要让星期五的便装日成了你的时装秀。Don't let casual Fridays be yourfashion downfall.

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不要让星期五的便装日成了你的时装秀。Don't let casual Fridays be your fashion downfall.

甜食是假日期间的极具毁灭性的饮食。Desserts are the diet downfall of the holiday season.

他指责苏尔科夫策划了他的垮台。The tycoon blamed Surkov for orchestrating his downfall.

这好像就是导致该银号垮台的原因。This is what appears to have led to the bank's downfall.

但那些神使他和以色列众人败亡了。But they were his downfall and the downfall of all Israel.

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否则,你的王朝将濒于瓦解。Other way around, will lead to the downfall of your Dynasty.

另一个大多数调查表的败笔是有太多的问题。Another downfall of most surveys is that they try to do too much.

「德川幕府倒台乃咎由自取」在什麽程度上同意此说法?。To what extent, the downfall of Tokugawa is caused by themselves?

缺乏自我管理的世俗权力是一种堕落的领导。Worldly power without self-mastery is the downfall of leadership.

现在看来,一定是这种明显的毫无目的的游逛,使我倒了霉。It must have been this obvious aimlessness that led to my downfall.

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多了几滴雨或少了几滴雨,对拿破仑就成了胜败存亡的关键。A few drops of water, more or less, decided the downfall of Napoleon.

亚哈谢去见约兰就被害了,这是出乎神。Through Ahaziah's visit to Joram, God brought about Ahaziah's downfall.

这导致她下台,鳅意识到她需要反击。This leads to her downfall and Mahi realises that she needs to fight back.