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姜黄素,也非常有前途。Curcumin is also very promising.

认为是优良芽变新株系。It seems to be a new promising strain.

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Harrington说这是一个令人倍感希望的迹象。Harrington says this is a promising sign.

意味着我拥有伟大而前途无量事业!It meant I had a great, promising career!

就这样,我们最有前途的助手离开了我们。And so our most promising acolyte left us.

我记得她答应送你一绺头发。I remember her promising to give you some.

我们看到了中国永恒将来的希望。We see a promising future of Chinese Aion.

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飞轮是另一种有前途的技术。Flywheels are another promising technology.

接下来这个富豪,看上去有戏。The next millionaire seemed more promising.

他新属意的多尼伦看来前途远大。His new choice, Donilon, looks more promising.

哦,这太可怕了——他这么年轻有为,前途远大。Oh, it's awful—and him so young and promising.

的未婚妻是个有前途的青年舞蹈家。His fiancee is a promising young terpsichorean.

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镍膜热敏电阻是一种很有开发前景的感温元件。This kind of sensors is a highly promising one.

燃一盏心灯,烛光下,明知道许愿只是一种安慰。Candle of the heart promising is only a comfort.

祝你新年快乐,鹏程万里!Wish you a happy New Year, and promising future!

杰克相信他的前途是远大的。Jack believes that he will have promising future.

其中最有希望的应是超弦理论了。Perhaps the most promising is superstring theory.

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磁选机未来的市场需求非常看好。Separators future market demand is very promising.

谁是NBA中最具有潜力的大前锋?Who's the most promising power forward in the NBA?

的未婚妻是个有前途的青年舞蹈家。Young lady man is a promising young terpsichorean.