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有力协作和个人技能都是必不可少的。Strong collaboration and individual virtuosity are both required.

小提琴家的精湛技艺使全世界的观众惊诧不已。The violinist's virtuosity has amazed audiences all over the world.

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在他那儿,双手的独立性展现了新的重要性。The art of independent virtuosity took on new importance in his hands.

奥登,后者在介绍中提到了这位年轻诗人精湛的技巧。H. Auden, who remarked in his introduction on the young poet's technical virtuosity.

该款酒表现出了典型巴罗露酒的艺术和贵族气派。This Barolo reflects the most typical style of the wines virtuosity and aristocracy.

作为一种体裁,散拍乐需要严格注意结构,而非翻新或精湛技巧。As a genre, ragtime requires strict attention to structure, not inventiveness or virtuosity.

在油彩、颜色的运用上,艺术家也显得技法圆熟。The effect is created through his remarkable virtuosity in the use of oil pigments and colors.

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强有力的协作和个人的精湛技艺都是出色的乐队表演所必需的。Both are necessary for the band to sound good – strong collaboration and individual virtuosity.

伯恩斯坦以交响作曲家的高度艺术修养,把少数民族的音乐和爵士乐的不同的音乐语汇交融在一起。Bernstein combined the idioms of ethnic folk music and jazz with the virtuosity of a symphonist.

他作为管风琴手坐揽众多职位,并因其精湛的技艺和能力迅速收获名声。He held a variety of posts as an organist, rapidly gaining in fame for his virtuosity and ability.

黄震的高贵风度和流畅技巧,让他在第二部剧中的表演更为出色。Huang Zhen was better as the danseur in the second cast with his noble bearing and easy virtuosity.

艾德·施克,已故著名画家,称她为一个有极强的艺术敏感度和鉴别能力的艺术家。Ed Paschke, the late renowned painter, called her an artist of extraordinary sensitivity and virtuosity.

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本文试图以康德的成熟的时间理论来侧显其精湛的思想。And this article attempts to adumbrate kant's thinking of virtuosity through his full-fledged theory of tune.

他的钢琴演奏技艺精湛,他把作曲演奏与即兴演奏融为一体,为爵士乐的表演带来持久影响。His virtuosity at the piano, and his mixture of composition and improvisation had a lasting effect on jazz performance.

没有了音乐感,艺术鉴别力会死去-梅纽因的陈述阐明了一个演奏者乐感的重要性。Virtuosity dies without musicianship – this statement by Yehudi Menuhin illustrates the importance of a performance's musicality.

在追求文明与奥义普适理想的宏篇中,新英格兰殖民地是其中的一章。The New England colonies were the scenes of important episodes in the pursuit of widely understood ideals of civility and virtuosity.

其高超的艺术性、艺术鉴别力、优雅的乐感和对作品的真挚阐述,秦立巍的表演极富吸引力。Li-Wei drew the audience in with his artistry, his brilliant virtuosity and his very refined musicality and sincerity of interpretation.

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这各种因素,加上吉他手精深的音乐能力,团结起来缔造出一种过目难忘的演出形式。These elements, along with the musical virtuosity of the guitarists, combine to create a performance which, once seen, is never forgotten.

詹妮佛-洛佩兹能拥有充沛的表演唱跳体力和魔鬼般的玲珑有致身材,多拜规律运动之赐。Zhannifu-commence singing jump to the abundance of physical and table of exquisite virtuosity to build a more worship of the world movement.

在技术层面上,韦尔奇的编舞的确具有很大的勇气和品味,展示了7位赤裸上身的男性舞者的身体力量。Welch's choreography certainly provides enough technical bravura and virtuosity to show off the physical prowess of the seven bare-chested male dancers.