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其生存价值是什么?What was its survival value?

不疯魔,不成活。Is not madness, not survival.

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生存是最好的动力。Survival is a good motivator!

剂量存活曲线呈现-“肩区”。The dose survival curve of E.

无比欢欣的劫后余生。The exultant joy of survival.

你不需要通过调情才能生存。No need to flirt for survival.

当年,它是一种生存模式。Back then, it was survival mode.

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为什麽台语值得继续存活呢?Why is Tagi worthy for survival?

我则把它看成存活下去的尝试。I see it as an attempt at survival.

你不需要向别人乞讨才能生存。No need to beg others for survival.

骷髅坪林生存的活人。Skeleton lawn survival live person.

辛克莱把它称为生存基因。Sinclair calls these survival genes.

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生存中最重要的东西是什么?What is it that matters in survival?

我相信自己可以死而复生。I believe in my survival after death.

那种时装是世纪年代的遗风。That fashion is a survival from thes.

他们还在为生存而斗争。They are still fighting for survival.

术后平均存活期12天。The average survival time was 12 days.

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成功是有志者的归宿。Important than the survival of success.

多异瓢虫的存活曲线均为I型。The survival curves fell into Deevey I.

但各位生存艺术家修造墙壁。But each survival artist builds the wall.