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暴饮暴食有妨你的健康。It's no good for your health to surfeit yourself.

消息出来之后引起了一阵一阵快乐的庆祝的枪声。News of its fall induced a surfeit of celebratory gunfire.

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信息从匮乏转向过剩具有广泛的影响。This shift from information scarcity to surfeit has broad effects.

选民们对于初选时没完没了地空喊口号的现象感到发腻了。The voters are pretty sick of such a surfeit of primary sloganeering.

已经证明过量的援助并不有助于达到这些目标。A surfeit of aid has been shown to be unable to help achieve these goals.

年,英国亨利一世国王在诺曼底的圣?丹尼斯朗甫门特因过量食用八目鳗鱼死于食物中毒。Henry I of England dies of food poisoning from a surfeit of lampreys at St.

核弹爆炸所产生的过量碳14迅速遍布全球。Bomb blasts created a surfeit of C-14 that quickly dispersed around the globe.

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对于容纳和承载了太多信息量的商业公司而言,瓦里安称定位非常清晰。For businesses that are gorging on a surfeit of information, Varian says the fix is clear.

总而言之,技术给了我们过高的热量,又减少了能量支出。In sum, technology has given us this surfeit of calories and dearth of energy expenditure.

虽然周刊每星期都会提供一个引人入胜的材料,但大部分都是不适合我们使用的。Although the weeklies provide a surfeit of material each week, much of it is unusable to us.

当所有这些酒店都开放营业,顶级酒店的房间数量会不会过剩呢?When all these hotels are open, will there not be a surfeit of top-of-the-range hotel rooms?

那些以Stella为基础的模型,比如说“增长的极限”模型,显而易见过量拥有反馈电路。Stella-based models such as Limits to Growth possess a remarkable surfeit of feedback circuits.

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如所筹得的善款多于所需要的款项,剩馀的善款将转拨至扶助孤儿项目。If donations exceed the amount required for uniforms, the surfeit will be used in Helping Orphans projects.

长期过量施用化肥,会造成土壤物理性质恶化,肥力下降,土壤板结,肥效降低。Long-term surfeit use of excessive fertilizer will make the physical property of soil worsen, the soil harden and leanness.

一天晚上,过度失眠中的诗人忽然坠入梦乡,梦里,他就站在那幢摇摇欲坠的房子的一个房间里。One night, in a surfeit of sleeplessness, the poet leapt suddenly into a dream in which he stood in a room in a ramshackle house.

正如戈德比所指出的,我们的紧张感并非源于时间短缺,而是因为我们试图在一个个时段中塞入过多的内容。As Godbey points out, the stress we feel arises not from a shortage of time, but from the surfeit of things we try to cram into it.

饮食过量与便秘是大脑神经失去平衡的症状之一,也是减肥的两大宿敌。Food surfeit and constipation are brain nerves to lose one of the equilibrium symptoms, is also reduce weight of two big night enemies.

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信贷评级机构常常低估大额贷款的违约风险,致使价格不切实际的上涨和大规模发行。Rating agencies systematically underestimated default risk on vast amounts of debt, resulting in puffed-up prices and a surfeit of issuance.

不过萨弗斯通也表示,求职者过多,容易使经理人奢求所谓的“俊杰之才”,也就是其资历远远超过岗位需要的人才。However, that surfeit can lure managers into demanding "purple unicorns, " candidates with qualifications that go far beyond what's required, Safferstone says.

中国决策者担心的是,美国的低回报和过剩资金将把资金推向新兴市场,加剧资产价格泡沫。The fear for China's policy makers is that low returns in the U.S., and a surfeit of funds, will drive capital into emerging markets, fueling asset price bubbles.