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雪苏莱曼尼亚位于伊拉克的北库尔德地区,离巴格达很远很远。Snowy Sulaimaniya in the Iraq's northern Kurdish region.

库尔德的建筑工人阿姆贾德·阿卜杜拉扎德也投票给穆萨维。Kurdish construction worker Amjad Abdollazadeh voted for Mousavi too.

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对于沃理德·斯提这位库尔德艺术家来说,Zei之河是一幅强有力的作品。FOR Walid Siti, a Kurdish artist, the river Zei is a powerful subject.

纯种的库尔德人,本拉登的重要副官,备受信任且能力过人。Kurdish in origin, a key lieutenant for bin Laden, trusted and capable.

土耳其军方认为是库尔德族反政府力量库尔德工人党发动了这次袭击。The attack is being blamed on Kurdish rebels of the Kurdistan workers Party.

暴风雪般的剃须膏落在伊拉克北部的一场婚礼上。A blizzard of shaving cream falls on a Kurdish wedding party in northern Iraq.

伊拉克政权一声令下,数千名伊拉克库尔德族公民被害身亡。With that single order, the regime killed thousands of Iraq's Kurdish citizens.

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伊拉克总统命令库尔德游击队要么弃械投降,要么撤离伊拉克。Iraq's president has ordered Kurdish guerillas to lay down their arms or leave Iraq.

伊拉克库尔德自治区开始首次出口原油。Iraq's self-ruled Kurdish region has started exporting crude oil for the first time.

他缓解了对库尔德语的长期禁止,并且减弱军队的影响力。He eased restrictions on the long-banned Kurdish language and blunted the army's influence.

库尔德激进分子过去在伊拉克和土耳其边境地区一直很活跃。Kurdish militants have been active in the past in the region which borders Iraq and Turkey.

库尔德总统巴扎尼说,第一天的战斗解放了两百平方公里土地。Kurdish President Masoud Barzani said the first day of fighting freed 200 square kilometers.

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库尔德人和逊尼派阿拉伯人的领袖都认为贾法里在平息教派暴力方面做得不够。Kurdish and Sunni Arab leaders say Mr. Jaafari has not done enough to ease sectarian violence.

内政部长阿塔拉伊很快降低了库尔德恐怖袭击的可能性。Mr Atalay, the interior minister, was quick to play down suggestions of a Kurdish terror strike.

卡塞吉斧兵多雇佣于库尔德和贝督因地区,装备战斧和盾牌,盔甲极为简陋。Nomadic Kurdish and Bedouin mercenaries , equipped with an axe, a shield and wearing basic armour.

下一位了不起的人物是洛兰.西庞,他是一位研究伊拉克北部库尔德人的库尔德人类学家。Our next individual making a difference is Lolan Sipan, a Kurdish anthropologist in northern Iraq.

他们的语言是库尔德语,属于印欧语系伊朗语族。They speak the Kurdish language, which is a member of the Iranian branch of Indo-European languages.

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雪苏莱曼尼亚位于伊拉克的北库尔德地区,离巴格达很远很远。Snowy Sulaimaniya in the Iraq's northern Kurdish region. The city seems a million miles from Baghdad.

布什总统对库尔德族领袖巴尔扎尼说,美方会认真考虑有关要求。President Bush told Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani that the request will receive serious consideration.

毕竟,土耳其与伊朗在抑制他们边境内库尔德民族统一主义方面有共同利益。Turkey and Iran, after all, share common interests in curbing Kurdish irredentism inside their borders.