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这就是为什么那些关系很快失去掉火花然后最终失败。This is how relationships quickly lose its spark and fizzle out.

没有紧迫感,变化计划很快就会失败。Without a sense of urgency, the change program will fizzle out quickly.

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嘶嘶女士和她的阶级色彩和了解弹球机内轻。Ms. Fizzle and her class learn about colors and light inside a pinball machine.

基于这些下行风险,最近房屋价格的上扬可能会虎头蛇尾。Given these downside risks, the recent pop in house prices will probably fizzle.

这样你就不会开始过分发展经济,最后功败垂成了。This way you don't overextend your economy and then fizzle out with nothing left.

而在老布什执政的四年里,美国民众对他的政治支持却一落千丈。And that president watched his political support fizzle over his single four-year term.

你可以有意地与你的朋友拉开距离,让这种关系在不知不觉中结束。You could deliberately distance yourself and let the relationship fizzle into oblivion.

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性化学反应只能从头开始吗?它只是像火苗一样瞬间闪亮然后就销声匿迹吗?Is chemistry doomed from the start? Will it fizzle and die just as fast as the flame was lit?

为什么夏天人的尿容易变黄,有什么方法才会变清。Why the person's make water allows summer to fizzle out changeably , what method just can clear.

溶血性贫血、恶性贫血患者苍白中带有黄的色调。Malign and haemolysis sex anaemia, anaemic patient is cadaverous in contain those who fizzle out is tonal.

体检查出胆红素高有啥好方法吗,胆红素高可以导致尿尿黄吗?Does check-up fish bilirubin have what good method high, can bilirubin fizzle out high with causing uric make water?

地方选举结束后,抗议活动可能暂时停止,但拉霍伊不应抱有幻想。With the local elections over, the protests will probably fizzle for a while. But Mr Rajoy should have no illusions.

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“拐点论”的背后,也是黄光裕出棋、张近东接招的一场心理战。"Inflection point is talked " rear, also be to fizzle out to make rich a chess, Zhang Jindong receives a psywar of action solely.

老花梨又称黄花梨,颜色由浅黄到紫赤,纹理清楚美砚,有香味。Old Hua Li calls chrysanthemum pear again, color by shallow fizzle out violet bare, grain clarity beautiful inkstone , have sweet smell.

如果惹起众怒的示威抗议在周末土崩瓦解,工会就得找台阶挽回面子。Should the demonstrations fizzle out by the end of the week, amid popular exasperation, the trick may well lie in finding a way for the unions to save face.

经济学家认为,美国和欧洲将经历U型或W型复苏,这意味着他们相信2009年年末开始的反弹势头将在今年某个时候结束。The U.S. and Europe will have 'U-shaped' or 'W-shaped' recoveries, economists argued, meaning they believe the upturn since late 2009 will fizzle out later this year.

许多单身人士都有过这样的经历,他们觉得现在约会的人可能就是自己想要找的人,但是却因为时机不对而以失败告终。Many singles have had the experience of feeling like someone they were dating had the “possibility” to be the one, only to see it fizzle out because the timing was off.

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专家提醒,在目前居民消费受降薪和担心失业的冲击的情况下,国内需求如果不能提高,眼前的经济复苏会很快地流于失败。Experts warned, however, that the recovery could quickly fizzle out without improvements in demand at home, where falling wages and job fears have hit household spending.

由于失业率居高不下以及楼市迟滞,贝南克表示,美联储准备采取行动,碓保复苏不会夭折.In light of the high unemployment and a stagnant housing market, Bernanke told the Senate panel that the Fed is ready to take steps to ensure the recovery does not fizzle.

此外,当夏季退税的临时效果不灵时,消费疲软将再现,因此企业盈利的突然触底也会起到推动作用。And it will be driven by downside surprises on corporate profits when weak consumption will reemerge as the temporary effects of the tax rebates fizzle out over the summer.