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使我不再像那个蹒跚的老太婆。As if I were a doddering old relic.

和别人对话已经成为上个时代的遗物了。Conversation is a relic of a bygone age.

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尽管我有点顽固不化甚至有点象出土文物。Even though Im ancient and somewhat of a relic.

这座毁坏的桥是南北战争时的遗迹。This ruined bridge is a relic of the Civil War.

这把石斧是旧石器时代的遗物。This stone axe is a relic of the Old Stone Age.

“爱国精神是石器时代的遗俗。”科格兰温和地说。"A relic of the stone age, " declared Coglan, warmly.

这座毁弃的桥是1950年朝鲜战争的遗迹。The ruined bridge si a relic of the Korean War in 1950.

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这座废弃的桥梁是是1950年韩战的遗迹。This ruined bridge is a relic of the Korean War in 1950.

“那只耳朵,”希克斯说,“是真挚友情的纪念。”That ear, " says Hics, "is the relic of true friendship. "

据说是一个著名双持刺客以前使用过遗物。A relic said to be worn by a famous dual wielding assassin.

生活的空间已经消失了,我们只是在保护一座遗迹。So the living part has died. You’re just preserving a relic.

所有的佛像都装有舍利丸并已开光。All the Images are inserted with relic pill and are consecrated.

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你们就把希望寄托在那堆废铜烂铁上?And you're pinning the hopes of the entire mission on that relic?

他那身过于宽大的西装,仿佛是当年还肥胖是穿剩下的。The too-big suits he wears look like a relic of his heavier days.

她对杜歇先生的遗产是不能存非分之想的。She had not the faintest claim to a share in Mr. Touchett's relic.

中国有多至29处的世界级历史文物保护点。China has as many as 29 world-level historical relic protection sites.

所有佛像及水晶塔都装有舍利丸及其他神圣丸。Images and Stupas are inserted with relic pills and other sacred pills.

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阿陀斯是人类历史的一个古迹,也是男子在地球上的最后一个隐居地。Athos is a relic of human history. It is the last male retreat on earth.

能,在斯里兰卡的一间寺院,还保存着佛陀的佛牙舍利。The Tooth Relic is still to be seen at the Temple of the Tooth in Ceylon.

现存古窑址数十处,以观台窑址最为著名。Among the extant ancient kilns, the most famous one is Guangtai Kiln Relic.