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三分相的星座有相同元素的星座也有同样的阴阳性。Signs that are trine share the same element as well as the same gender.

金星跟天王星之间形成的三分相显示出你是个很会享受生活的人。The trine formed between Venus and Uranus shows that you are a person who enjoys life.

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火星跟天王星之间形成的三分相显示出你行动中的原创性及热情。The trine formed between Mars and Uranus shows originality and enthusiasm in your actions.

这将会对任何类型的关系带来良好的影响。The trine of composite Mercury and Ascendant is a very good aspect in any kind of relationship.

你星盘中的太阳跟冥王星的拱相让你有着高度发展的集中力跟意志力。The Sun in your chart is trine Pluto giving you a highly evolved power of concentration and will.

朦胧的海王星取代了你想法中的现实。Her trine to nebulous Neptune replaces the reality of your relationships with what's in your mind.

联系着月亮与金星的拱相位缓和性情,而且让生活在多方面变得更和谐。A trine connecting the Moon and Venus smoothes the disposition, and makes life more harmonious in many ways.

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火星跟土星之间形成的三分相显示你是个良好的军人,会一直完成指定职务。The trine formed between Mars and Saturn shows that you are a good soldier who always finishes assigned duties.

但因为木星退回一个宫位而金星却往前一个宫位,使两星形成一个正面的三分相。But because Jupiter has moved back one sign and Venus has moved forward one, it puts them into a positive trine position.

火星跟冥王星之间的三分相显示出你天性中强悍能与事业的献身精神良好结合。A trine between Mars and Pluto shows that the assertiveness in your nature is well aligned with your dedication to causes.

出色的适应力是土星三合冥王星所赋予的,还有以严谨及持久的精神,保持着全神贯注努力的能力。Great resilience is offered by Saturn trine Pluto, and the ability to maintain a focused effort with consistency and rigor.

金星天平也与凯龙星水瓶形成三分相,这使我们能看见其他人的脆弱性,走向他身边去给予支持。Venus is also trine Chiron in Aquarius, making it possible to see areas of vulnerability in others and stepping around them.

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木星与土星之间的三分相显示出对生命的严肃看法,而这有可能是受到家族传统的影响。The trine between Jupiter and Saturn shows serious purpose to your life which may have been influenced by a family tradition.

木星与海王星之间形成的三分相扩展你潜在的直觉能力,赋予你直觉的实际应用。The trine formed between Jupiter and Neptune expands your latent intuitive faculties, giving a practical application to your hunches.

这个北交点的分配网络由包含北交点位置在内的成三分相的大三角宫位所组成。The distribution network of the North Node consists of the Grand Trine houses that include the location of the North Node in the chart.

但最近挪威特罗姆瑟大学的崔恩.格雷与莫妮卡.桑德赛却领导一群生物学家实地走访野外研究。But a team of biologists led by Trine Glad and Monica Sundset at the University of Tromso, in Norway, has now looked properly in the wild.

如果某一行星与大三角的三颗星之一对冲,将给予大三角人一个更出色地证明自己的机会。If one of the three points of a Grand Trine is in opposition to a planet, it gives the Grand Trine an opportunity to manifest more brightly.

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如果控制相位是拱而它的互补相位是六合,这相位的性质将提高我们的判断与理解。If the controlling aspect is Trine and its complementary aspect becomes Sextile, the quality of that aspect improves in our judgment or readings.

土星三合天王星促使了肯主动及运用创意的能力,与此同时运用的常理及智慧,都是从实际的承诺中获取的。Saturn trine Uranus promotes the ability to use initiative and originality, whilst applying common sense and knowledge gained from applied commitment.

我们认为,庞朴先生“中庸”即“三分”的观点,是消解这种“一、二、一”僵化结构的时代性创新,具有实践主义的现实指向。We think that Mister Pang Pu's viewpoint that Mean is for trine is a philosophical innovation of times, which has a realistic tendency of practicalism.