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每年,人们都很期盼英仙座流星雨。Every year, people look forward to the Perseid meteor shower.

查看一下英仙座流星雨的历史和科学知识。Check out the science and history of the Perseid meteor shower.

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英仙座流星雨中的“先行者”已于7月17日左右开始出现。Forerunners of the Perseid shower began to appear around July 17.

但这一显着的看法,抓获宇航员朗伽蓝看起来在英仙座流星雨。But this remarkable view captured by astronaut Ron Garan looks down on a Perseid meteor.

天亮之前,英仙座流星雨的流星将接近头顶上空。Before dawn, the constellation Perseus – radiant point of the Perseid meteor shower – is close to overhead.

查看一下英仙座流星雨的科学和历史,会发现英仙座流星雨在历史上是最著名的流星雨之一。The Perseids are one of the most famous showers in history. Check out the science and history of the Perseid meteor shower.

斯威夫特-塔特尔彗星周期性回归后,遗留下的尘埃形成一年一度的流星雨,也就是闻名的英仙座流星雨,当然,这颗流星就是其中的一部分。Of course, the meteor was part of the annual rain of dust from periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle known as the Perseid Meteor Shower.

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如果持续观测到更晚些月光照耀的深夜,北半球的观测者还能看到偶然出现的英仙座火流星。Persisting even later into the moonlit night can reward northern hemisphere watchers looking for occasional Perseid fireballs.

每年一度的英仙座流星雨在八月中旬达到高峰,没有月光的晚上为观测提供了近乎完美的条件。The annual Perseid meteor shower reached its peak mid-August, with a moonless sky providing near-perfect observing conditions.

当然,有两帧画面捕捉到了绚丽多彩、转瞬即逝的火流星,它就在图片的上端。Of course, two of the frames captured the brief, brilliant flash of a Perseid fireball as it tracked across the top of the field of view.

夏天是流星的季节,而今年将是观测流星最好的时机,预计一年一度的英仙座流星雨会比往常更精彩。Summer is the season for shooting stars, and this year could be among the best as the annual Perseid meteor shower promises to be better than usual.

英仙座流星在英格兰南部威尔特郡索的尔兹伯里市巨石阵的新石器时代纪念碑上面的越过明星上形成条纹。Photo and caption by kieran dohertyA Perseid meteor streaks past stars over the neolithic monument of Stonehenge in Salisbury, wiltshire, southern England.

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虽然凌晨的时候,英仙座流星雨达到最大,但是月亮的强光会消去很多流星,要不然就可以看到2009年最大的流星雨了。Although the Perseids tend to put out the greatest number of meteors during the wee morning hours, the moonlit glare will wash out many if not most Perseid meteors in 2009.

一年一度的英仙座流星雨本周末达到高峰期,生活在国际空间站的一位宇航员从太空拍下了一张奇异的流星光影照。The annual Perseid meteor shower peaked this weekend, and one astronaut living aboard the International Space Station captured a stunning view of the light show from space.

佛山市气象学会专家表示,13日零时至天亮前,我国大部分地区可观测到英仙座流星雨。The Perseid meteor shower is expected to put on a good show during the early hours of Thursday morning in most parts of China, experts of Foshan Meteorological Institute said.

预计今年英仙座流星雨将在这周末达到峰值,一轮几乎满月发出的亮光也将充满整个夜晚,从而隐没了大多数相对暗淡的流星。While the Perseid meteor shower is scheduled to peak this weekend, bright light from an almost full Moon will also flood the night and mask the majority of relatively faint meteors.