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以上奖金和设计成本费均含税。The aforementioned prize and design cost shall include tax.

我用上面提到的水加満了猫的水碟。I filled the cats" water dish with the aforementioned bottled water."

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医案部分则是对上述内容的进一步补充。The medical records are the additions to the contents aforementioned.

我喜欢把它添加在谷类,燕麦片或者前面提到的希腊酸奶。I like to add it to cereal, oatmeal, or the aforementioned Greek Yogurt.

这些图像将提交上显示上述活饵料。These submitted images will then show up on the aforementioned live feed.

1997年,上面提到的教皇为特里萨嬷嬷行了宣福礼。In 1997, the aforementioned holy man beatified none other than Mother Theresa.

我们已准备好根据前述的合理而正义的理据对这种选择作出回应。We are ready to respond to this choice on aforementioned sound and just bases.

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下面我列举一些能够避免上述问题的方法。Below, I list some important ways of circumventing the aforementioned problems.

总体来说,难民署审计处低于上述的四个月指标。Overall, the UNHCR Audit Service was below the aforementioned four-month target.

前面提到的大师课程昨天第一次在剑桥上课。The first of the aforementioned Masterclasses took place in Cambridge yesterday.

迄今为止我们做的交易你可以和我前面提到的律师谈。Now the business we have, heretofore, you can speak with my aforementioned attorney.

上述共同的元素是一个例子,尽管它是唯一的例子。The aforementioned common elements are one example, although hardly the only example.

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所有船员必须无条件地服从船长做出的上述决定。All the crew must submit to the shipmaster's aforementioned decisions unconditionally.

假定您是一个不同的插件并且想要使用前述功能。Imagine you are a different plug-in and wanted to use the aforementioned functionality.

肺癌也常常经上述各种途径扩散到远离肺癌原发灶的其他部位肺组织。The bronchogenic carcinoma frequently spreads to other lung areas by aforementioned ways.

我也看见一些战利品叠加,不过那些很可能就属于刚刚提的几个类型里。I saw some loots stacking, but those might have been in one of the aforementioned categories.

添加上述的姜或姜黄,或同时添加两种,你必定需要一些优良的健康食物。Add the aforementioned ginger or turmeric or both, and you're in for some good, healthy eating.

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他们把步甲放进笼子,并一只一只地放进上面提及的五种两栖类。They put the Epomis beetles in a cage with each of the five aforementioned amphibians one by one.

随后,他闯进了一场三角恋,和前面说到的浮罗洛同时爱上了可爱的吉普赛女郎艾丝美拉达。He then winds up in a love triangle with the lovely gypsy Esmeralda and the aforementioned Frollo.

而如果要找出如何能做到这一点的方法,我们只需看看前面提到的那位内裤男就知道了。And to find out how, we need look no further than the aforementioned Internet marketer in his undies.