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它叫做图灵兼容性。It's called Turing compatibility.

图灵测试是一个单边测试。The Turing test is a one-sided test.

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我不会转身走去,而又半途转身停留Nor I half turn to go,yet turing stay.

没人想在图灵机上写程序。No one wants to program a Turing machine.

1954年,图灵在吃下了粘有有氰化物的苹果之后与世长辞。Turing died after eating an apple laced with cyanide in 1954.

传统的可计算性理论以图灵机为基础模型。The traditional theory of computability is based on Turing machines.

或者你更了解历史,敢大胆的说是阿兰图灵?Or say you're more historically savvy, might you venture Alan Turing?

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本文研究计算可枚举图灵度的结构,提出并完成了一个加杯层谱的证明。We study the structure of the plus cupping Turing degrees in this paper.

有人认为,与其说是图灵或祖萨,不如说是他才是真正的现代电脑之父。Some argue that he, not Turing or Zuse, is the true father of the modern computer.

最后证明了这类操作的图灵机表达能力。Finally, the operation's expression ability of Turing machine properties is proved.

换言之,此系统可与通用图灵机互相模拟。In other words, the system and the universal Turing machine can emulate each other.

大多数人都把阿兰。图灵看做一位计算机、机器智能方面的先驱者。Most of us remember Alan Turing as a pioneer of computing and machine intelligence.

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在那次图灵测试中,人们采用了各种手段去让竞争机器出差错。Various ploys are used to try to trip up the machines competing in the Turing test.

答案是基本上什么都可以,这是一个被称为是。This is an example of what is referred to frequently as being a Turing complete language.

也就是说,他们是在计算能力作为一个通用图灵机的方式相同。That is, they are capable of computation in the same manner as a universal Turing machine.

可计算分析是以图灵机为基础研究连续性问题的可计算性和可计算复杂性。It is the study of computability and complexity of continuous problems based on Turing machines.

国际经验表明我国开始进入刘易斯转折点。The international experience indicates that China starts to experience the Lewisian Turing Point.

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我不知道是沪深今日上证指数图灵梦见自己变成机器还是机器梦见自己变成图灵。I don't know whether I am Turing dreaming that I am a machine, or a machine dreaming that I am Turing !

图灵通过他的“模拟游戏”提出只要机器通过测试就说明能思维,能思维就是具有智能。In accordance of simulation game, Turing considered that machine can think as long as it passed the text.

他是图灵奖获得者,也是早期研究计算机科学和人工智能的开拓者。As a Turing Award winner, he is one of the early pioneers in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.