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嗨,我是马文。Hi, I’m Marvin.

马文跑上前去帮那个人。Marvin ran to help someone.

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马文喜欢睡在狗窝里。Marvin loves to sleep in his doghouse.

因为马文的体重足足有两百磅以上。Marvin weighs over two-hundred pounds.

你看起来就像年轻的马文。You look like a young Marvin Hamlisch.

马文,我没有兄弟,没有兄弟。Marvin Gaye, there's no brother, brother.

马文在为抢银行坐牢。Marvin is doing time for robbing the bank.

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张建东是真的感觉现在的压力!Marvin is really feeling the pressure now!

马文总是随身携带一把刀,从不带手枪。Marvin always carried a knife, never a gun.

他知道马文是何许人,但从来没跟他说过话。He knew who Marvin was but never spoke to him.

张建东博士是专业会计师。Dr. Marvin Cheung is a professional accountant.

杰克过去总是在基督教青年会观看马文打手球。Jack used to see Marvin playing handball at the Y.

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“恩,那想法很好。”微诺尼卡告诉马文。"Well, that's very clever, " Veronica told Marvin.

您正在收听的是壳牌石油公司总裁马文•奥德姆的讲话。You’re listening to Marvin Odum, president of Shell Oil.

马文·威廉姆斯和克劳福德的新合同是聪明的。Marvin Williams and Jamal Crawford are ballin' for new deals.

马文和菲尔普在电子用品店买PDA。Marvin and Phelp are at an electronics store, shopping for a PDA.

马文。法伯较早在美国引入和传播胡塞尔的现象学。Marvin Farber earlier introduced and spread the phenomenology of E.

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Clint较伊斯特伍德,李马文在宣传片仍油漆你的车皮。Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin in a promo still for Paint Your Wagon.

而老鹰队也缺少了组织后卫麦克毕比和前锋马尔文威廉姆斯。The Hawks were without point guard Mike Bibby and forward Marvin Williams.

伊斯利在南区和罗科斯伯里的公园里玩着单壁球长大的。Marvin Easley grew up playing single-wall in parks in the South End and Roxbury.