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颜色词是否有可分析、可定义的意义?。Do color words have analyzable, definable meaning?

所有这些事情都是可知的、确定的,但又是模糊而朦胧的。All of these things are knowable and definable and yet obscured and opaque.

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第一份清单是更新的卡巴斯基实验室,以及两个用户可定义的。The first list is updated by Kaspersky Labs, and the two are user definable.

我不知道现在你怎么叫它,因为已经不能够真正的去定义它了。I don't know what you call it these days because it's no longer really definable.

好的定义造成的。然而,主要原因很可能是不断贬低的社会价值。The causes of racial hatred are not readily definable . Sociologists , however , attribute them to.

此外,货币必须在行政处定义,这样我可以轻易改变货币!Also the currency must be definable within the admin section so that I can easily change the currency!

该系统提供10个用户定义区域来跟踪你想要的任何有用信息。The system provides 10 user- definable fields to track any piece of information you want for each asset.

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这就提供了可定义样式规则的第二集合,类似于可创建各种不同的样式类别。This provides a second set of definable style rules, similar to the various style classes you can create.

批评界往往将流放的动机合理化、逻辑化,使这一现象成为可以做出精确阐释的文化表态。However, their motives are often rationalized or even ennobled as a clearly definable cultural expression.

它有多种定义方法,我一会儿会讲到,我认为,新历史主义在任何地方都很流行。It was definable in ways that I'll turn to in a minute and, as I say, prevalent to a remarkable degree everywhere.

所谓在高阶层的法则,并非如期望控制者所定义,而是来自于进化的升华。The higher level of orders will be not definable by any single unit in a system, instead, it emerges from evolution.

在年轻的族群中,有许多的先天性代谢异常疾病会造成心肌病变。Cardiomyopathies may be idiopathic or secondary to an underlying definable systemic disorder, especially in a young population.

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它们也能表现为描述一个可定义概念或理论概念的性质,如“一切三角形都有三条边”。They may also take the form of describing properties of a definable or theoretic concept, such as 'all triangles have three sides'.

我的治疗个案中的约三分之一,并不患有任何明确的神经症,但却因自己的生活无意义和无目标而痛苦。About a third of my cases are not suffering from any clearly definable neurosis, but from the senselessness and aimlessness of their lives.

给出了三种代数类具有可定义主同余性质的证明。This article mainly gives three kinds of algebra classes which have the property of definable principal congruence and their verifications.

辅导与培训一般都采用非正式手段。通常没有明确的辅导与培训关系,常常导致最终效果不明显。Mentoring is provided but often on an informal basis. The relationship is often not defined and so frequently leads to no definable benefit.

事件处理函数名必须与定义文件中的名称匹配,而此名称由用户定义。The name of the event handler must match the name declared in the definition file in which the name is user definable during definition time.

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即使在同一个地理环境里,人们的社会方言也是由各自的社会团体所表现出来的那种言语差异所决定的。People's sociolects are defined by linguistic differences associated with respective definable social groups even within the same geographical location.

我们确实可以从天空某个界定的区域内看到彩虹,但是拍摄出彩虹的位置则取决于观察者根据太阳的定位所选择的观察点。Although they appear to exist at a definable point in the sky, a rainbow's position is actually dependent on the location of the observer relative to the sun.

随着其起源的消失,通过认识其特征,并将此特征置入到一个可被辨识的符号学位置,从而去感受图像的能力也消失了。Origin disappears, along with the ability to make sense of these images by circumscribing their flattened landscapes and inserting their characters into a definable and recognizable semiotic position.