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蓝莓冰激凌冰沙。Blueberry Ice-cream smoothy.

还是会余下些蓝莓碎末。Blueberry bits will remain though.

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另加两元您就能多点一个蓝莓派。For 2 yuan, you can add a blueberry pie.

你想试试这蓝梅口味的饼乾吗?。Would you like to try this blueberry biscuit?

你蓝莓馅饼几个字还没说完我就会回来了。I'll be back before you can say blueberry pie.

我要去拜访一个做蓝莓甜甜圈做得很棒的师傅。I wanna visit a baker who makes blueberry best.

然后,再加入蓝莓粉进一步强化了蓝莓的味道。He then adds blueberry powder to turn up the flavor.

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香脆蛋白饼,酸奶冰沙,蓝莓酱。Crispy Meringue, Yoghurt Sorbet, Blueberry Marmalade.

现在人人都知道蓝莓是一种作用强大的食品。Everybody by now knows that blueberry is a powerfood.

现在每一个人都知道蓝莓是供能食品。Everybody by now knows that blueberry is a power food.

尝一尝熊爪糕,喝蓝莓茶,从风景优美的路线回家。Drink blueberry tea instead. Take the scenic route home.

大肥猫每天偷美味的蓝莓果馅饼。The big fat cat steals delicious blueberry pies everyday.

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我留着蘑菇头,长着一双又大又圆的蓝莓般的眼睛。I have a mushroom haircut and large, round, blueberry eyes.

阿蓝莓饼,玉米片,和一杯橙汁。A blueberry pancake, corn flakes, and a glass of orange juice.

我来一大块比萨饼,再要一份乌饭树浆果冰淇淋。I'd like to have a big slice of pizza and a blueberry ice cream.

一个爱吃蓝莓派的女孩,还是,伤透了心的女孩?As a girl who like blueberry pies? or the girl with a brokenheart?

加上一点蓝莓粉,就可以做出蓝莓味道很浓的酥皮。Add the blueberry powder and you get an intensely flavored meringue.

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馥郁醇香,充满活力,散发出蓝莓的熏香及辛香气息。Juicy, rich and youthful, offering smoky blueberry and spice scents.

煎饼里面有真的蓝梅,旁边还有蓝梅酱。There are real blueberry in the pancake, along with blueberry sauce.

天然鲜果蓝莓精华提取,令您口气更清新。Natural fruit essence of blueberry extract, make your breath fresher.