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我现在住在剑桥。Now I live in Cambridge.

请告诉我到剑桥该怎么走?How can I get to Cambridge?

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我喜欢剑桥笔记本。I like Cambridge notebooks.

沉默是今晚的康桥!Silent is Cambridge tonight!

沈默是今晚的康桥。Silence is Cambridge tonight!

我喜欢淡兰色和粉色。I like cambridge blue and pink.

在康桥的柔波里。In the gentle waves of Cambridge.

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我在剑桥的一家医院工作。I work in a hospital in Cambridge.

取得了博士学位。under J. J. Thompson at Cambridge.

他是剑桥大学划船队的8号划手。He rowed No.8 in the Cambridge crew.

他在剑桥大学上学时曾一度被勒令停学。He was once rusticated in Cambridge.

下学期他将进剑桥大学。He will go up to Cambridge next term.

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他在剑桥结束了他的事业。So, he ended his career in Cambridge.

弗格斯获得了上剑桥大学的奖学金。Fergus won a scholarship to Cambridge.

他过去在剑桥时经常练跑步。He used to run when he was at Cambridge.

剑桥广场在哪个英伦城市?Q7 Cambridge Circus is in which UK city?

他女儿刚从剑桥大学毕业。His daughter is just down from Cambridge.

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剑桥商圈位于英国的哪个城市?Q7. Cambridge Circus is in which UK City?

最著名的是牛津和剑桥。Most famous ones are Oxford and Cambridge.

对不起。我是剑桥来的布罗德·霍利。Excuse me. I'm Broad Hawley from Cambridge.