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如果你用射不完的火箭炮来杀蟑螂,谁会管你?If you use the proverbial bazooka to kill cockroaches, then who cares?

呃,啊。是啊,上次你见到我们只是想用火箭炮将我们轰杀。Yeah, last time we met you just wanted to blow me away with a bazooka.

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迟傲臣突然就头痛了起来,难道他们还能发火箭炮不成?The late Ao minister suddenly had a headache, can they also deliver bazooka not to become?

在附近的韩国于1950年7月5日战斗的前线敌军坦克火箭筒团队火灾。A bazooka team fires at enemy tanks near the front lines in the battle for South Korea on July 5, 1950.

杰·雷诺说服了施瓦辛格,让这位州长在表演中手持一支假火箭炮向他开火,并公然喊他“娘娘腔”。Jay convinced the governor to fire a fake bazooka at him and call him a "girly man" as part of the act.

400亿欧元是应对希腊、葡萄牙和爱尔兰潜在违约风险的“大火箭筒”。That figure was the "big bazooka" number in dealing with potential defaults in Greece, Portugal and Ireland.

我只能说我仍然是打它,它是凉的僵尸,火焰喷射器,火箭筒和刺刀的行动。All I can say is I am still playing it and it is cool with the zombies, flame thrower, bazooka and bayonet action.

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美军巴祖卡对装甲精英追猎者正面装甲穿甲率降低,对尾甲穿甲率略微上升。US Bazooka penetration reduced vs Panzer Elite Hetzer front armour. Rear penetration modifier increased marginally.

二十国集团或许希望欧洲提出一个现金流充裕的“火箭筒”似的解决方案,但欧洲讨厌这样的观点。The G20 may want Europe to come up with a cash-rich "big bazooka" solution, but Europe is backing away from this idea.

但如今危机已扩散至经济规模大得多的西班牙和意大利,因此需要一个更大的火箭筒。But the crisis has since spread to Spain and Italy, which have much larger economies, and therefore requires a much larger bazooka.

该武器可称作二战时期美国的巴祖卡火箭筒与德国铁拳的现代子孙。它是一种可方便随身携带的肩扛式发射武器。This is really the modern-day son of the US bazooka and the German panzerfaust of World War II. It is shoulder-fired and highly portable.

驾着运动型多用途汽车的车主,打着手机,毫无疑问,他们会在停车场撞倒老人。A hood mounted bazooka to communicate with the numerous SUV-borne dils talking on cell phones as they careen obliviously around the parking lot crushing daisy beds and old people.

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一些吸烟者为了戒烟,会选择咀嚼一种戒烟口香糖,但是他们不会轻轻的去咀嚼并将口香糖在腮部与牙床间多唅一会儿,而是像吃一条普通的Bazooka泡泡糖一样,大口大口地去嚼它。Some smokers chew nicotine gum in an effort to quit, but instead of parking a slightly masticated piece between cheek and gum, they chomp the little squares like a wad of Bazooka.

如今的金融危机有个令人尴尬的特征,那就是他有足够的能力让决策者蒙羞,决策者们本以为自己壁橱里储存的是火箭筒,但很快发现那不过是一支玩具手枪。ONE of the most humbling features of the financial crisis is its ability to humiliate policymakers who, thinking that they have a bazooka in their closet, soon discover that it is a mere popgun.