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父辈消失地毫无影踪。Fathers lost without a trace.

我们找不到他的踪迹。We have lost all trace of him.

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我知道你是不会留下任何痕迹的。I know you won't leave any trace.

创建跟踪日志记录器和消息日志记录器Creating trace and message loggers

用彩笔描出路线。Trace the way with a coloured pen.

我透过雨丝去追寻彩虹I trace the rainbow through the rain

那船消失得无影无踪。The ship had vanished without trace.

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他把一切埋葬起来,不留痕迹。He's burying it and leaving no trace.

听,复述,并描出所给单词。Listen, repeat and trace the letters.

没有一丝倦意,只有满心欢喜。Not a trace of weariness, only happy.

只遗留下残垣断壁的地窖And left no trace but the cellar walls

是否可以追溯早期的法藏部?Can We Trace the Early Dharmaguptakas?

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要依风去追逐爱者的行踪。To chase trace track of love with wind.

巧克力有痕量的咖啡因。Chocolate has trace amounts of caffeine.

他说话总带着一丝讽刺。He always spoke with a trace of sarcasm.

跟踪服务的对象图。Trace the object Diagram of the service.

但我不会留下任何痕迹,而且我也没有朋友。But I leave no trace and have no friends.

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我何曾留著像游丝样的痕迹呢?Have I not even left a trace of gossamer?

你在斯黛安案中追踪到肠线来源了吗?Did you trace a source for it on Sterling?

剩下的只有被凭吊的一丝心情。Only pay the remaining trace of the heart.