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他试图推断地层在扭曲形成时是如何变化的。He tried to guess how the strata behaved at the time the contortions formed.

他抽筋和跌倒出糗似来自某种原始的冲动与潜在的病变。His contortions and pratfalls seem to spring from some primal impulse or underlying pathology.

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那些不规则结构模式要去承担著大厦的弯曲设计所带来的绷紧。The irregular structural pattern is intended to bear the strains of the tower's contortions . Mr.

但想想首相应对批评时往往用语言扭曲事实,他这么做的可能性就微乎其微了。Considering the verbal contortions the prime minister generally employs to fend off criticism, that seems unlikely.

这是一封带着怨恨、饱含感情的信,充满了混乱、扭曲和诅咒。还有一大堆愤怒的问题。It was a spiteful , passionate letter, full of confusions, contortions , and condemnations. And a pile of angry questions.

鲍耶还有什么借口能对得起当初忍着压力把所有公众最不欢迎的他带到泰恩河来的罗布森?None of those excuses hold for Bowyer, who has not been worth all the public relations contortions Robson had to endure to bring him to Tyneside.

为了使它们自己从中国政府控制中隔离出来,公司在出示股票的时候要通过各种形式的法律扭曲。To insulate themselves from the vicissitudes of China's state control, companies go through all manner of legal contortions when they list shares.

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一位酒店接待员在草地上演示太极,我们这群老外怎么也做不到他那么镇定自如,摄影师在旁边忍俊不禁。A hotel receptionist demonstrated taichi on the grass while the foreigners struggled to replicate her calm contortions to the delight of grinning photographers.

在她看过第一次拍摄的100多张照片之后,她问我她是否能再做一组动作,因为她坚信,她能做的比第一次更好。After viewing the first 100 shots on the monitor she asked me if she could do a couple of the contortions again because she believed she could make them better.

如果你觉得在电视上看到的那些不可能做到拱形的背,看起来痛苦的扭转的冥想姿势有点可怕,你也不必担心。If you find the meditating positions you see on television threatening "those with impossibly vaulted backs, and painful-looking contortions "you should not worry.

他们还要被固定在巨型离心机里,经历头昏眼花、肌肉扭曲和无意识的流眼泪的同时,接收信号并回答问题。They were also strapped into a giant centrifuge, where they had to read signals and answer questions despite dizziness, muscle contortions and involuntary spurts of tears.

超螺旋对DNA包装和DNA–RNA合成起重要作用的DNA弯曲。拓扑异构酶可以识别超螺旋并能通过改变DNA的拓扑结构来产生或消除它。Supercoils Contortions in DNA that are important for DNA packaging and DNA–RNA synthesis. Topoisomerases sense supercoiling and can either generate or dissipate it by changing DNA topology.

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紫雾缭绕。手拿琵琶的翩翩慢慢地跳着飞天柔术,灯光转换之间,彩云流动之中,竟然真如飞天般神秘而诡异。Holding a Pipa, Pian-pian slowly dances the flying contortions , between the changing lights and shifting coloured clouds, it really looks as if it's as mysterious and out of this world as flying.

欧洲的领导人正试图和自己多年的现实政治主义划清界限,转而为阿拉伯街头的暴行潸然泪下。Europe's leaders are now trying to disown their years of realpolitik, and instead make the cry of the Arab street their own. The contortions are more theatrical the closer they live to north Africa.