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或可乐加醋?Cola and vinegar?

酱,米饭和米醋。Sauce, rice and rice vinegar.

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“怎么了?”醋溜先生问。"What now?" said Mr. Vinegar.

加入姜、醋和蜂蜜。Add ginger, vinegar and honey.

辣椒酱,酱油,醋。Chili paste, Soya sauce, Vinegar.

这话让醋溜先生生气极了。This made Mr. Vinegar very angry.

你看起来就像一缸醋一样酸溜溜的。You look as sour as a vinegar jug.

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我喜欢把油和醋加到沙拉上。I like oil and vinegar on my salad.

醋和水也会被使用。Vinegar and water may be used, too.

吃那苹果醋会不会头晕呀?Eat that apple vinegar can giddy ah?

你要往里放盐和醋吗?。Do you want salt and vinegar on that?

夜了,盛满一杯苹果醋。Eve, filled a glass of apple vinegar.

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我们要酱油和醋吗?Do we need some soy sauce and vinegar?

在醋和柠檬汁一样酸楚的生活中。In the vinegar and lemon juice of life.

加盐、胡椒粉和一点儿醋。Add salt, pep per and a dash of vinegar.

而醋在山西人的生活中是排在前面的。In Shanxi vinegar is the most important.

加醋会使溶液变酸。Adding vinegar will acidify the solution.

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我在吃火锅的时候喜欢来一点醋。I like some vinegar when I having hot-pot.

加水,陈醋和生抽。Pour in water, vinegar and light soya sauce.

起司加抹茶?…黑醋和吞拿鱼。Cheese and green tea? Black vinegar and tuna.