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“是很好,”雷克斯应道。"Jolly nice, " said Rex.

德文卷毛猫是一种很好的无毛猫种。Devon Rex is a great hairless cat.

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在拉丁语中,"君"表示国王The word for king in Latin is rex.

很容易做,不需要推荐。It's easy to do. You don't need rex.

好了,你喜欢雷克斯龙吗?Okay, you like Tyrannosaurus Rex?- Yeah.

雷克斯暴龙很可能是从类似的恐龙进化而成的。T. rex probably evolved from a similar animal.

我认为雷克斯将会扬名四海。I think that Rex will go far and become famous.

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我想成为一只暴龙胜过任何事情。I wanted to be a Tyrannosaurus rex more than anything.

新发现揭露雷克斯霸王龙详细资料New Tyrannosaur Discoveries Reveal Details about T. rex

獭未祭鱼,网罟不得入于水。Rex not offering fish nets villagers go not into water.

我家的狗,雷克斯,过去常坐大门外叫。Our dog rex , used to sit outside our front gate and bark.

雷克斯摩尔提醒你们这些葡萄可能变酸的任何方式。Rex Moore reminds you those grapes were probably sour anyway.

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阿索卡抬头,发现自己正望着雷克斯上尉。Ahsoka raised her head and found herself looking at Capitan Rex.

獭兔,学名力克斯兔,是一种典型的皮毛用型兔子。Rex Rabbit, scientific name Rex Rabbit, is a type of fur-rabbit.

显然雷克斯·莫特拉姆已经把这个地方变成了阴谋造反分子的巢穴了。Apparently Rex Mottram has made the place a nest of party mutiny.

伦敦自然历史博物馆的霸王龙模型。A Tyrannosaurus rex model at the Natural History Museum in London.

有新证据证明霸王龙可能会自相残杀。Tyrannosaurus Rex may have been a cannibal, new evidence suggests.

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一株树上刻着“比尔和多丽丝”。雪地上写着“雷克斯和丽塔”。"Bill & Doris" carved on a tree. "Rex & Rita" written in the snow.

新发现的化石证明霸王龙残食同类New fossil evidence supports that Tyrannosaurus rex was a cannibal.

雷克斯文件夹也是完全的RMX兼容所有你笔球迷。The REX folder is also fully RMX compatible for all you Stylus fans.