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我们将在黎明启航。We are sailing at dawn.

这些帆船在行驶.The sailboats are sailing.

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她是一位航帆教师。Chris is a sailing teacher.

他们已准备好了航行。They were ready for sailing.

云在天空飘移。Clouds are sailing the skies.

我们正朝着正东偏北方向航行。We are sailing east by north.

11岁时她就开始帆板训练。She started sailing at age 11.

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他曾在庄严的人生大海中飘航。Sailing go'er life solemn main.

那船向正南方航行。The ship was sailing due south.

你愿意来坐船游览吗?。Would you like to come sailing?

因为她是位航帆教师.Because she's a sailing teacher.

这艘船顺着尼乐河向上游航行。The ship is sailing up the Nile.

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小船在塞纳河中逆流而上。The boat is sailing up the Seine.

那艘船正以35节的速度航行。The ship was sailing at 35 knots.

我看到三只船划了过来。I see three ships come sailing by.

我们正右舷抢风行驶。We were sailing on starboard tack.

你需要考虑你将在哪里航行。Consider where you will be sailing.

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新舰队向日本出发。The new fleet is sailing for Japan.

我们航行的时候需要航海图。We use a chart when we are sailing.

去奥斯坦德的下一班船什么时候开?。When is the next sailing to Ostend?