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所罗门智慧过人。Solomon excelled in wisdom.

她超过同时代的所有其他作家。She excelled all other authors of her day.

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这段期间,曼联也好不到哪儿去。During this period, Man United have not excelled.

他擅画花卉、昆虫和动物。He excelled in drawing flowers, insects and animals.

包括政治,他几乎样样精通。He excelled at almost everything he did, including politics.

康德在16岁的时候就已经在Konigsberg大学出类拔萃了。Kant excelled at the University of Konigsberg at the age of 16.

甚至热情的阿加特,都承认你擅长于扮演麦克白。Even the flaming Agate, was agreed that you excelled as Macbeth.

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同事们说他在贝尔斯登组织严密的文化中逐渐展露头角。He excelled in Bear Stearns's close-knit culture, associates say.

在爱护花草培植水果方面没有人能比得上波摩娜。No one excelled Pomona in love of the garden and the culture of fruit.

美术是我的强项,而且我特别喜欢画漫画。Art was a subject I excelled in, and I really like drawing caricatures.

那些从师于我们的现在都超过了我们,这是个莫大的挑战。It was a real challenge that those who had learnt from us now excelled us.

这些奖项突出展示了在自己的领域取得成就的女科学家。These awards highlight women scientists who have excelled in their fields.

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在学校里他品学兼优,深受老师和同学的喜爱。He was a very bright student at school and excelled in most of his subjects.

所罗门王的财宝与智慧胜过天下的列王。Thus King Solomon excelled all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom.

并且在他喜欢的左翼位置,阿什利-杨表现更出色。Furthermore his favoured position is left-wing, where Ashley Young has excelled.

2002年入选火箭之前他已经在国际舞台上叱诧风云。He had excelled on the international stage prior to joining the Rockets in 2002.

特里再大学里学人类进化学,而且成绩突出。Terry was studying human evolution at the university. He excelled in his studies.

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我的卧推力量超过了315磅,而且我还注意到我的恢复速度也变得更快。y bench press excelled past 315 pounds, and I noticed that I recovered much faster.

丹尼曾是小拐小骗方面的艺术家,精于牌戏和摸包。Danny used to be a short-con artist who excelled at card tricks and pick- pocketing.

很多程序员竞相写黜复杂得对于任何人来说都无珐理解菂软闲。Many programmers excelled at creating software too complex for anyone to understand.