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当代艺术画廊?A contemporary art gallery?

我不喜欢现代式的设计。I don't like contemporary design.

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一切历史都是当代史。All history is contemporary history.

布兰德是当代艺术的狂热爱好者。Brandt is a fan of contemporary art.

济慈和雪莱是同时代人。Keats was contemporary with Shelley.

我不喜欢当代文学。I don't like contemporary literature.

是当代醴陵窑中的极品。Liling is a contemporary kiln in Need.

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拜伦和渥兹华斯是同时代的人。Byron and wordsworth were contemporary.

现代的君主政体是不合时宜的事物。Contemporary monarchy is an anachronism.

我更喜欢当代小说。I prefer novels by contemporary writers.

约翰和我是同代人,我们都是52岁。John is my contemporary. We are both 52.

琼森是否与莎士比亚同辈?。Was Jonson contemporary with Shakespeare?

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狄更斯和龚自珍同时代。Dickens was contemporary with Gong Zizheng.

讨论当代亚洲艺术的季刊。Yishu. Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art.

你喜欢现代式的家具吗?。Do you like furniture of contemporary style?

这让我想起历史上的角斗士。It makes me think of contemporary gladiators.

班强森是否与莎士比亚同辈?Was Ben Jonson contemporary with Shakespeare?

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一些属于他生命同一时代的。Some of the contemporary enduring of his life.

班强森是否与莎士比亚同辈?。Was Ben Johnson contemporary with Shakespeare?

张亚西是中国的当代雕刻家。Zhang Yaxi is a contemporary chinese sculptor.