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降速的年龄。Spin down the ages.

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继续播这张唱片愀宝贝。Spin that record babe.

新酿酒,旋烹茶。New wine, spin Pengcha.

蜘蛛会结网。A spider can spin a web.

一颗恒星可以转多快呢?How fast can a star spin?

这点上你不能乱转进。You can't spin this away.

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它也可以这样自旋。It can also spin this way.

你们就不能有话直说吗?。Would you guys spin the bin.

你是旋降它的风。You are spin down its winds.

有了旋转的角动量。It has spin angular momentum.

是的,黑洞看起来是旋转着的。Yes, black holes seem to spin.

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嗯,青蛙先生,我正纺线。Yes, kind frog, I sit to spin.

我就是旋转的角动量。I am the spin angular momentum.

老海员们喜欢讲故事。Old sailors like to spin yarns.

抱着我旋转直到我睡着。Spin me around til I fell asleep.

把内疚感化为积极行动。Spin guilt into a positive action.

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抱着我旋转直到我睡着。Spin me around ´til I fell asleep.

离心机依旧无畏地运转。The centrifuges spin defiantly on.

到了春天,它们才吐丝结茧。In spring, they spin their cocoons.