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或者假设它能用波尔模型来计算。Let's say calculable by Bohr model.

这些东西或许可以从弦论算出来。Its inputs might be calculable in string theory.

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印刷工作获得更多的可预见的和可计算的。Printing jobs get more predictable and calculable as well.

有些严重的问题是能被预见的,有些则不能。Ome of the consequences of this failure are calculable and some are not.

显而易见,越来越多的恶意攻击源自合法可信赖的网站。Clearly, more and more baleful attack are come from lawful calculable website.

市场是没法计算的,你只能将自己的作品做到最好,然后。Fact, the market is not calculable. All you can do is to give your best and see.

因此就丧失了时间,本来能预测的事物也只能靠碰运气,很多机会也就被浪费了。So time is lost, matters which are calculable are left to chance, and many are wasted.

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该神经网络可为工程设计人员在摩擦学设计时提供有效的计算工具。The network model could provide calculable measure for the tribology design engineers.

这意味着对理想气体,Δu只需利用Cv,dT计算。And so that means that delta u is always calculable from Cv dT for any ideal gas change.

根据记录的结果,生成辨识模型,并对此模型进行计算。From the results of the recording the thesis build a calculable model, and calculate it.

这个可以通过波尔模型计算而得到,因为锂2+是单电子系统。This one is calculable by the Bohr model because lithium 2plus is a one electron system.

这个可以通过波尔模型计算而得到,因为锂2+是单电子系统。This one is calculable by the Bohr model because lithium 2plus is a one electron system.

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或许,我们无法按期到达港口,但至少我们不会偏离真正的航线。We may not arrive at our point within a calculable period, but we would preserve the true course.

利用可计算性项目的三次设计方法优选系统因素的最优参数组合。In this paper, the factors of a system are optimized by using triple design method of calculable projects.

虽然我们从亲密的友谊中获益,但是友谊不能拿来计算得失。Although we benefit from our close friendships, these friendships are not a matter of calculable gain and loss.

介绍一种冷弯型钢剪切机的设计方案和结构以及主要参数的计算公式。Design idea and structure of a new slant shear machine is introduced. The calculable formulas of main parameters are got.

但这是可计算的,它的影响也是很可观的,当讨论重新分布远大于一个人的质量时。But it's calculable and the impact can be quite impressive when you talk about redistributing more mass than just one person.

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因此,女人不要把丈夫当孩子,而应把丈夫当作一个有能力的可信赖的朋友。Accordingly, the woman does not want a husband to become the child, and should regard the husband as capable calculable friend.

就是说有人,超越了亚里士多德,将这种观点提升至可计算论证的层次So, someone had the idea of going beyond the intuitive notion that Aristotle mentioned and moving to something that is calculable.

惟有从「家户总合薪资所得」作为计算基准,改变以往以「薪资」结构作为保险费之基准。It only regards the total income of salary of every family as a calculable stardard, changing the past standand by the structure of salary.