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但社交网站是还那些粗心大意者的雷区。Social media is a minefield for the unwary.

在某种意义上,新地理技术为粗心的人设置了一个陷阱。In some senses, neogeography is laying a trap for the unwary.

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不能因为没发生什么问题就麻痹大意起来。We can't get unwary just because nothing unusual has cropped up.

每个时代都有其虚构的神话误导你掉以轻心而铸成大错。Each era has its own myths that mislead the unwary into harmful error.

易受骗的求道者会失足,掉入堕落的陷阱。An unwary devotee may lose his foothold and fall into a pit of depravity.

在适当的场合它可是对付你的粗心大意的强有力的工具。In the right circumstances it is a powerful tool especially against the unwary.

问题常会从粗心的工作人员身边溜过,但是问题也会从专家身边滑过。Problems often slip by unwary developers, but problems slip by the experts, too.

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遭遇陷阱的新规则允许地下城主建立致命的罗网,逮住那些不小心的家伙。New rules for encounter traps allow DMs to build deadly snares to catch the unwary.

仙境是危险的,陷阱处处,地牢遍布,粗心大意行事鲁莽的人们常会深陷其中。Faerie is a perilous land , and in it are pitfalls for the unwary and dungeons for the overbold.

它们将会诱骗了那些不警惕的读者,使他们不知不觉也成了虚构中的一部分了。They will beguile an unwary reader who does not happen to know that they are part of the fiction.

真理的名义,向尖端谎言喂天降住在我们的世界和形状。In the name of truth, sophisticated lies are fed to unwary people who live in and shape our world.

图案覆满了各种魔法符号,随时准备将能量释放到无知或粗心大意者的身上。Any part of the design could be a magic rune, ready to unleash its power upon the careless or unwary.

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与此同时不知自己无知的他们还喋喋不休的说个不停。Yet, these ignorant people who are unwary of this fact continue to chatter endlessly and meaninglessly.

无人驾驶汽车最高车速仅为25英里每小时,其前端由软泡沫材料制造而成,可缓冲粗心的行人。The cars will have a top speed of just 25mph and a front end made of soft foam to cushion unwary pedestrians.

粗心的人就会把这个文件当成一个图片,轻率的双击打开它,实际上是运行了一个可执行文件。Unwary people treat this file as a picture, and blindly double-click to open it, thus running the executable.

古希腊的妖妇用优美的歌声勾引水手触礁而死。The beauty of the music produced by the Sirens of ancient Greek legend drew unwary sailors to their doom on the rocks.

一个不小心的行人比一个过马路看两边并按红绿灯的指示行动的人更有可能被车撞到。An unwary pedestrian is much more likely to be struck by a car than one who looks both ways and crosses with the light.

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永远不会看到,被黑洞捕捉住的粗心的宇宙旅行者进入黑洞,而只是看见他被冻结在黑洞的表面上。An unwary space voyager ensnared by a black hole will never be seen to enter it, but only to become frozen to its surface.

李美丽嫁给了更好的追求者,黄元帅面对打击心情低落,疏忽了对孩子们的看管。Li Meili was married better hunter, yellow marshal face is low to blowing the state of mind, unwary the guard to children.

他并不要求他们不分清红皂白地追随不抵抗主义,以免最后会成为一个易受骗的懦弱者。He would not ask them to follow indiscriminately the ideal of non-resistance, which ultimately makes a coward of the unwary.