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政府采购法?。Government Procurement Law?

成功的采购计划或征求书successful procurement plans and RFPs

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面向轿车系列易损件的销售与采购。Car series for consumable sales and procurement.

根据MRO的需求进行采购工作。Follow MRO demand and take procurement activities.

首先,它需要一个合理的采购政策。Above all, it needs ar ation al procurement policy.

反过来,印度烟草协会减少了采购的估计量。In turn, the ITA had cut its procurement estimates.

中石化原油采购期长达6-8周。Sinopec’s crude oil procurement lasts about 6-8 weeks.

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采购填写退货单,进行定单退货。Return filled out procurement orders, orders to return.

扩大政府采购范围和规模。The scope and scale of government procurement expanded.

任何单位不得超标准采购。No unit can conduct a procurement beyond these standards.

楼上,你需要了解采购程序。Dhananjay, you need to understand the procurement process.

公共性是政府采购的本质属性。Publicity is the essence attribute of government procurement.

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协调并网政策和设备采购计划。Align interconnection policies with utility procurement plans.

出口采购中心应为有限责任公司。Export procurement centres shall be limited liability companies.

采购职员可以在一组动态的选项中选择。The procurement official selects from a dynamic set of suppliers.

购买第一批娱乐包向50个学校散发。Procurement of initial recreation kits to distribute in 50 schools

可以在表单附加与采购流程相关的文档。Procurement process-related documents can be attached to the form.

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跨国公司在处理一些采购合同时考虑到这些因素。TNCs manage some procurement contracts with these concerns in mind.

出口采购中心应为有限责任公司。The export procurement center shall be a limited liability company.

布鲁斯·佩伦斯把这个说成是软件采购成瘾模型。Bruce Perens calls this the addiction model of software procurement.