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因此粘土和页岩就往往不透水。Thus clays and shales tend to be impermeable.

因此粘土和页岩就往往不透水。Thus clays and shales tend to be impermeable.

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当今的中国网络防火墙不再是不透水的屏障。The Great Firewall is hardly an impermeable barrier these days.

防渗土还可以防止排水,导致根损害。Impermeable soil can also prevent drainage, leading to root damage.

在自然界中也发现有其他非渗透性薄层物质。Thin layers of other impermeable materials are found in nature, too.

癌症就是细胞壁变得难以渗透的细胞结构。Cancer is a cellular structure whose cell wall has become impermeable.

不要用塑料布等不透水材料覆盖割草机。Do not cover the mower with impermeable materials- such as plastic sheets.

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结果表明,裂缝不可渗透的边界模型在一定条件下可以合理使用。It is observed that the crack impermeable model can be used under some condition.

在地面上高位栽培床用不透气的覆盖物把蒸气盖住。On ground of rais. d beds, an impermeable cover is. utilized to impound the steam.

穿着不透水的衣服会阻碍体表汗液的蒸发。Clothing that is impermeable to water prevents the evaporation of sweat from the skin.

他把自己用由秘书、私人助理和唯唯诺诺的人组成的密欠亨风的墙包抄起来。He surrounded himself with an impermeable wall of secretaries, personal assistants and yes-men.

加拿大和法国的11个单土工膜衬层的填埋场中每英亩有0.82个漏洞。The level to Canadian and France's is about 0.82 hole in 11 single impermeable liner landfills.

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雾,实际上已经升起,但仍萦绕于屋顶上,任何一道阳光都不能穿透它。The fog, in fact, had risen, but still hung above the house-tops, impermeable by any heavenly beam.

热辐射脱离黑暗的屋顶,和水蔺的努力,希望不透水表面。Heat radiates off of the dark roofs, and water rushes over the hard, hopefully impermeable surfaces.

烟炱与撞击产生的飞尘充满了地球的整个天空,连阳光都透不进来。Soot and impact-generated dust choked the sky over the entire planet, making it impermeable to sunlight.

在最近进行的试管实验研究中,研究人员发现核糖核酸干扰能使细胞抵制爱滋病病毒。In a recent test-tube study, researchers showed that RNA interference could make cells impermeable to HIV.

该葫芦被用作一个容器,因为最早的时候,由于其自然渗透皮肤。The gourd has been used as a container since the earliest times, because of its naturally impermeable skin.

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复合土工膜作为一种新型的防渗材料,在当今水利工程中已得到相当广泛的应用。As a new type of impermeable material. composite geomembrane is widely used in water conservancy projects today.

土工膜用于防渗工程的设计和建设,具有显著的经济效益和社会效益。Impermeable geomembrane is used in anti-seepage hydraulic projects and achieve obviously economic and social benefit.

近年来沥青混凝土作为防渗材料,在我国水工建筑中得到广泛应用。As an impermeable material, asphalt concrete has been widely used in hydraulic projects in our country for these years.