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有必要进行紧缩。Retrenchment will be necessary.

赢家因此可以额外消费,输家却相应地要减少开支,二者不能相抵。The winners’ extra spending may not offset the losers’ retrenchment.

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就是让它们经济繁荣时限制膨胀和在衰退时缓和紧缩。That is, to make them restrain booms and ease the retrenchment in the bust.

货币政策包括扩张性货币政策和紧缩性货币政策。The monetary policy includes expansive monetary policy and retrenchment monetary policy.

他说,银行业对国内市场业务的开源节流亦增添了行业整并的前景.A retrenchment by banks to their domestic markets added to the prospect of consolidation, he said.

为了不让经济下降演变为大萧条,政府必须有所行动。To keep that retrenchment from yanking the economy downward into depression, government must step up.

如果这场经济下滑只持续一两年,那么这群人的心态可能会使其熬过节衣缩食之痛。If the downturn lasts only a year or two the attitudes of such people may survive the pain of retrenchment.

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到了现在,删除开源节流的方案都更不利于经济的长远发展。Even now, a plan that does not include fiscal retrenchment will be much worse for long-term economic growth.

但如果消费者开始节省开支的这股强大趋势继续下去,则会对零售商不利,更广泛地说则对股市不利。But if this strong trend of retrenchment barrels ahead, it will be troubling for retailers, and more broadly for stocks.

如果是这样,我们希望中国在给予他支持时不要忘记一些条件,即朝鲜的经济改革和军事裁减。If so, we should hope that China does not give it without setting conditions for economic reform and military retrenchment.

与此同时,欧洲已经开始实施彻底的、尚为成熟的财政紧缩政策,从而降低对美国出口的需求。At the same time, outright and seriously premature fiscal retrenchment is starting in Europe, diminishing demand for US exports.

债券市场的变化无常对希腊政府施加了更大压力,希腊政府必须提出一套可靠的财政紧缩计划。The bond market’s skittishness puts more pressure on the Greek government to come up with a credible plan for fiscal retrenchment.

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不过就算近期股价大涨,仍有两大主要因素可以让新兴市场不至于大幅回档.There are, however, two major factors mitigating against a major retrenchment in emerging markets even given the run-up in prices.

那些抵押贷款额超过了房屋价值的负债累累的消费者,是否会长期节衣缩食?Will there be a protracted retrenchment among heavily indebted consumers who carry mortgages bigger than the value of their homes?

即便真能创造净就业机会至少还要好几个月,但这份就业报告,仍加深了美国劳动力市场缩减的高峰期已过的想法.The jobs report, however, still fed ideas that the worst of the U.S. labor market retrenchment is over, even if net job creation is months away.

当地银行人士认为,这是中央财政银根紧缩背景下,当地政府缺乏监管和防范,出现的大范围高利贷风潮。Local banks believe, this is the central fiscal retrenchment background, the local government the lack of supervision and prevention, the large-scale usury agitation.

如今,随着美国经济大规模滑坡,是卸下作为一个超级大国的思想包袱,接受现实的时候了。Now, as a massive retrenchment of the US economy is under way, it is time to shake the mental shackles of the superpower legacy and embrace a more peripheralist agenda.

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由于企业和消费者难以获得贷款,因此尽管政府出手救助,但贷款规模的收缩仍有可能让美国经济陷入更严重的衰退。The retrenchment threatens to knock the U.S. economy into an even deeper recession, regardless of the government's aid, as businesses and consumers struggle to get loans.

他说,“国家日常事务中已经对财权加紧严密的控制,可失业率仍然在上升,财政整顿会在逐渐平稳恢复中出现一些危机。”"With households already keeping a tight grip on their purse strings, and unemployment still rising, fiscal retrenchment could pose a risk to the gradual pace of recovery, " he said.

洛克哈特并放大论述的范围,声称经济复苏面临多个潜在威胁,包括各州及地方政府削减预算,以及全国范围缩减财政刺激措施等.More broadly, Lockhart enumerated several looming threats to the recovery, including retrenchment in state and local budgets and well as a pullback from national fiscal stimulus measures.