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不能有食物和饮料。No food or drink. We're seated cheek to jowl here.

我家紧靠一家百货商店。My house stands cheek by jowl with a department store.

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我们看到工会领导人和资本家们打得火热。We see the union leaders cheek by jowl with the capitalists.

飞机、影院、餐馆里,人们喷云吐雾,烟气缭绕。Airplanes, cinemas, and restaurants were all smoke-filled from cheek to jowl.

一个小偷同一个警察亲切地坐在一起,这看上去很不协调。It was incongruous to see a thief sitting there cheek by jowl with the policeman.

小说如果和诗歌以及哲学紧密联系的话将会变得更好。Fiction will be much the better for standing cheek by jowl with poetry and philosophy.

今天,我们的生活从来没有与各种经济问题联系得如此紧密。Today, our life never is contacted so cheek by jowl with all sorts of economy problems.

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我原以为奥马尔和麦克吵架了,但是我今天在健身房里看见他们挺亲密的。I thought that Omar and Mike had a fight, but I saw them today in the gym, cheek by jowl.

我原以为奥马尔和麦克吵架了,但我今天在健身房里看见他们十分亲密。I thought that Omar and Mike had a fight, but I saw them today in the gym, cheek by jowl.

我原以为Jenny和Leo吵架了,但是我今天在电影院里看见他们挺亲密的。I thought that Jenny and Leo had a fight, but I saw them today in the cinema, cheek by jowl.

花冠厚。反转,有明显的白色绒毛,多朵紧密排列成下垂的圆锥花序。Corollaceous thick, invert, have apparent white nap, many arrange flagging panicle cheek by jowl.

他那郁郁寡欢的胖脸和阴沉的椭圆形下颚令人联想到中世纪作为艺术保护者的高僧。The plump shadowed face and sullen oval jowl recalled a prelate , patron of arts in the middle ages.

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采用迷你按摩器及其配件对身体肌肉、面颊、头部进行按摩,可以有效的去除疲劳。Using the mini-massager and accessories to massage muscles jowl and head which can get rid of fatigues effectively.

科学的抽象法是与辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义紧密相连的。Scientific abstract magic art is linked together cheek by jowl with dialectical materialism, historical materialism.

这些接待方式非常有趣的特点是,它会使你感到与世界各地来的人非常接近。One interesting thing about these receptions is that you find yourself cheek by jowl with people from all over the world.

但是,灾民们摩肩擦背生活在一起,生活条件原始而不卫生,引发了对于疫情的广泛担心。But the primitive and unsanitary conditions in which the displaced people are living cheek by jowl in the open air have raised concerns of disease.

女孩的家里怎么能没有穿衣镜呢,而且一定要和衣橱紧密挨着,否则生活岂不要少了很多漂亮和乐趣?How can there be pier glass in the girl's home, and must be next to cheek by jowl with almirah, live not to want otherwise a lot of less beauty and fun?

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其实55BBS对于我来讲更多是一种爱好和一种需求,更多的是一种个人跟事业相紧密结合的东西。Actually 55BBS tells more to me is a kind of interest and a kind of demand, more it is a kind of thing that the individual ties cheek by jowl with career photograph.

就连露丝也受到了伤害,因为她有些顾脸面,而她的爱人却跟玛利亚那么亲亲热热,带了那么一帮衣衫褴褛的葡萄牙小叫花子,那样子真不体面,而最叫她难受的却是他在她眼里那种没有自尊和自爱的样子。Even Ruth was hurt, for she had some regard for appearances, and her lover, cheek by jowl with Maria, at the head of that army of Portuguese ragamuffins, was not a pretty sight.

假如刻意穿紧密包覆的衣服,然又不小心露出肩带,反而显得很小家子气,这是应该尽量避免的。If wear the dress that includes Fu cheek by jowl painstakingly, show aglet not carefully again like that, appear very small instead child gas, this should avoid as far as possible.