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奎尔普太太仅能大着胆子做出一种哀求的姿势。Mrs. Quilp dared only make a gesture of entreaty.

奎尔普太太仅能大着胆子做出一种哀求的姿势。Mrs. Quilp durst only make a gesture of entreaty.

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仪式以向佛祖祈祷结束。The ceremony ends with an entreaty to the Buddha.

安琪尔的父亲努力同他争论,劝说他,恳求他。Angel's father tried argument, persuasion, entreaty.

我们应该诉诸和约和卑下的哀求吗?Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication?

他感到很不自在,用恳求的目光望着我们。He felt very uncomfortable and looked entreaty at us.

此后神应允国民为那地所恳求的。And God responded to the entreaty for the land after that.

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圣经中不断的祈求人们能驱走恐惧。The Bible contains one continuous entreaty to cast out fear.

通过争论或说理恳求改变一个人的信仰。Changing a person's beliefs by argument or reasoning or entreaty.

最终是这位哥萨克领袖急切的恳求使他拿定了主意。It was an urgent entreaty from the Cossack leader that made up his mind.

“你只要念念台词就行了,”亨利·克劳福德又一次恳求说。"You have only to _read_ the part, " said Henry Crawford, with renewed entreaty.

如此,耶和华应允国民为那地所恳求的,灾疫在以色列人中就止住了。And Jehovah responded to the entreaty for the land, and the plague was stayed in Israel.

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湖躺在山脚下,像在执拗者的跟前含泪恳求爱。The lake lies low by the hill, a tearful entreaty of love at the foot of the inflexible.

湖水伏卧在山脚,好像是跪在坚拒者的裙裾下,痛哭流涕地求爱。The lakes lies low by the hill, a tearful entreaty of love at the foot of the inflexible.

土耳其当局用恳求和威胁的手段确保得到他们想要的东西。The Turkish authorities are using a mix of entreaty and threats to ensure they get what they want.

耶和华宽恕三个在恳求的工作,谁是他的恢复双前繁荣。Yahweh forgives the three at the entreaty of Job, who is restored to double his former prosperity.

伊丽莎白果然不愿意讲,因此在回信中尽力打消她这种希望,断了她这一类的念头。As it happened that Elizabeth had much rather not, she endeavoured in her answer to put an end to every entreaty and expectation of the kind.

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过了一会儿,对于他热情的建议,我突然连一个字也听不进去了,因为我又看到了那个女孩,她站在房间的另一端。After a while I suddenly stopped paying attention to his earnest entreaty because I saw the girl again, standing at the other end of the room.

吉英立刻对伊丽莎白望了一眼,意思说,她受不住这样的摆布,请求伊丽莎白不要也这样做。Jane instantly gave a look at Elizabeth which spoke her distress at such premeditation , and her entreaty that she would not give in to it. In a few minutes, Mrs.

听到她母亲又是命令又是恳求地要她放规矩些,小珠儿才不再跳舞,从长在墓旁的一株高大的牛蒡上采集多刺的果实。In reply to her mother's command and entreaty that she would behave more decorously, little Pearl paused to gather the prickly burrs from a tall burdock which grew beside the tomb.