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提出了集团序的概念和方法。The concept and approach of aggregative rank is given.

定义了方案的集团序指标和方案的集团优先关系。The aggregative rank index and the aggregative precedence relation between the alternatives are pro.

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中苏冲突是各种因素集合的产物,它们相互交织,相互影响。Sino-soviet conflicts were the aggregative results of many factors , they were mutual intertexture and influence.

在工程量清单投标中,灵活运用综合单价会给投标单位带来显著的经济效益。In engineering quantity list bidding, making good use of aggregative unit price can bring notable economic profit.

为降低故障管理流量对网络的影响,本文提出了一种SNMP分布汇集轮询方法。To reduce the impact of network fault management traffic, a novel SNMP distributed aggregative polling method is presented.

天津开发区、武清区和西青区已经形成汽车产业聚集区。The industry aggregative zone of the auto industry has been established in TEDA, Wuqing District, Xiqing Districe of Tianjin.

写作流程中的情感是一般情感的特殊表现,具有间接性、主动性和集合性等特点。Writes in the flow emotion is the general emotion special performance, has characteristics and so on indirect, initiative and aggregative.

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这意味着,数据值对象可以为叶数据值对象,也可以为包含其他值对象的聚合数据值对象。This means the data value object can be either a leaf data value object or an aggregative data value object that contains other value objects.

该林分的空间分布格局为聚集分布,但林木聚集程度和聚集规模较低。The spatial pattern of the stands was of aggregative distribution, but the aggregation degree was not high and the aggregation scale was not large.

按综合评价数学模式的评价结果表明,8项指标均优于聚合氯化铝,收到了高效絮凝效果。Basing on an objective appraisal, the mathematics of aggregative index mumber indicates clearly that HIHON-I has higher effect than PAC in 8 respects.

EGB有明确的抗血小板聚集作用,那么,它是否也是通过作用于血小板PDE来抑制血小板聚集的呢?。EGB have definite antiplatelet aggregative activity, whether is it also through effecting the activity of platelet PDE to inhibit platelet aggregation?

主要木本植物种群的分布格局大多为集群型,只有部分群落中大果榆、色木槭及家榆种群为随机分布。Spatial patterns of main woody plant populations are aggregative , Ulmus macrocarpa, Acer mono, Ulmus pumila populations in some communities are random.

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本年刊部分指标合计数或相对数,由于四舍五入关系或核算单位不同,分项数字之和可能会与之有所出入。VI . Due to rounding or different accounting unit, the amount of separate number may not correspond with the aggregative or relative ones in this yearbook.

信用风险具有很强的集聚性,如果发行企业过于集中在某几个行业,可能在行业风险加大的时候对市场流动性带来严重影响。Credit risk is highly aggregative. If issuing companies are limited to certain industries, it can influence market liquidity when industrial risk increases.

由于经济指标一般表述为静态目标,本文对“胖系统”预测控制中静态目标的实现提出了综合性能指标法,改进了多目标优化法。In the paper, two methods of steady state object realization, the aggregative performance method and the multiobjective optimization method, are presented to meet thee.

人的创造性思维发展的启蒙时期在幼儿阶段,培养幼儿的发散性思维与聚合性思维的统一,能有效发展其创造性思维。Childhood is an enlightenment period in a person's creative thinking development. The training of both emanative and aggregative thinking will help develop creative thinking.

银杏是我国独存的孑遗植物,是我国特产的著名经济树种,集果用、叶用、材用、观赏及生态防护等多种功能于一体。Ginkgo biloba is the sole survival plant and famous local economic species in China with an aggregative function of fruit, foliage, timber, ornamental, ecology and shelterbelt.

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犯罪数额,在刑事立法上作为毒品犯罪法定刑确立的依据,在刑事司法中又是确立毒品犯罪基准刑的依据。In the criminal legislation, the amount is the basis of aggregative penalty, In the judicial application, The amount is the basis of the criterion of measurement of punishment.

我们以西方古代正义到现代正义的正常发展逻辑来观察中国传统的正义观,可以从另一个侧面理解西方正义发展逻辑的合理性。The more progress of many interest aggregative in west middle age developed the individual status and come into being modern justice which distribute rights to equal individual.

结果表明,三胺单体的加入对聚酰亚胺前体及其泡沫的化学结构和聚集态结构没有明显的影响。The results show that the addition of triamine monomer has no obvious influences on chemical structures and aggregative states of polyimide precursors and the imidized products.