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目的也是让我们的学员有一个大家庭的感觉,找到温馨,找到自信!We aim to help our students have a strong sense of belongingness.

非常感归属使我们无法估量的期望。The very sense of belongingness has led us to immeasurable expectations.

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他们从漂浮于空中到最终寻找到自己的一种归属感。They used to be floating in the air and at last found their own sense of belongingness.

这些问题能告诉你,你的工作能否满足你的社交需求,能否让你有归属感。These are the questions that you’ll ask yourself to determine if your social need to be achieved and belongingness is met.

利用场景图在视景体内的快速裁剪技术,有效提高图元的归属判断速度。The procedure of primitives belongingness determining is speeded up using the fast view frustum culling technology of scene graph.

而主流电影中的字幕只不过是权宜之计,并没有认真对待聋人在文化身份认同方面的问题。The subtitling in mainstream films is expediential and does not concern the issue of cultural belongingness of the Deaf seriously.

模糊性主要指事物类属边界不清晰和性态不确定的特性,这种现象在自然界及人类生活中广泛存在。Fuzziness, referring to the indeterminacy of belongingness and unclear referential boundary, widely exists in nature and human life.

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组织认同是社会认同的一种特殊形式,是与组织具有一致性或从属于组织的知觉。Organizational identification is a kind of social identification which is the perception of oneness with or belongingness to an organization.

大学生自尊结构由重要感、胜任感、归属感和外表感构成。The structure of the self-esteem of college students was mainly composed of sense of significance, self-competence, belongingness and appearance.

认为,其根本原因是体育明星运动员的商业开发权归属不清,管理机制不完善。The basic reasons are that the belongingness of commercial exploitation right of sports stars isn't clear and definite and management mechanism is imperfect.

研究者们说,这些人假想自己与电视角色有某种关系可以舒缓他们的归属感需求。This is evidence, say the researchers, that illusionary or "parasocial" relationships with television characters or personalities can ease belongingness needs.

在当前,大学生职业意识缺乏主要表现在功利性、随意性、从众性和依赖性四个方面。In current, the lack of university student occupational consciousness mainly displays in utilitarian, the capriciousness, belongingness and the dependence four aspects.

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侵害他人权益型不当得利作为一种非给付型不当得利,其制度基础在于违背权益归属。The type of inappropriate benefit obtaining by invading other's rights might be in institutional ground attributed to the violation to the logic of rights belongingness.

很多时候也可以很矜持,用慵懒的语气拒绝男人的约会,矜持得像是永远只属于优雅。Sometime they are also missish, rejects man's appointment with the lazy expression, like missish belongs concinnity forever. But they don't have the sense of belongingness.

明确合作社各种收益及其归属是保持合作社服务社员与获取营利平衡协调、体现公共利益政策的必然要求。We need to point out all kinds of benefits of the cooperative and its belongingness so as to meet to balance serving cooperate and making money and embody the public policy.

结果发现,那些归属感被激发出来的受试者在描述他们喜欢的电视节目时快乐的持续时间比描述他们不喜欢的节目时更长。Participants whose belongingness needs were aroused reveled longer in their descriptions of favored television programs than in descriptions of non-favored programs, the study found.

在这漫长的岁月里,人们对该问题提出了诸多见解和主张,但人们就悖论的归属问题却颇有争议。During this extensive period of time, scholars have raised various ideas and viewpoints concerning this problem, but a consensus on the belongingness of paradox has never been achieved.

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银行应根据大学生群体特征制定营销策略,从建立关系纽带,培养顾客忠诚度与归属感入手,引导大学生使用信用卡,达到对大学生信用卡的营销目的。The banks should set marketing strategy based on the features of college students, attract students to use credit cards by building links and developing customer loyalty and belongingness.

同源文化是一个民族文化认同感产生的基础,两岸同源文化的交流则是两岸民众加深这种文化认同感和归属感的重要途径。Homologous culture is the root of a nation's identity, cross-strait homologous cultural exchanges and development are important ways to improve cross-strait cultural identity and belongingness.

第二个研究以论文的形式测试性地操纵102个大学生受试者的归属感需求,当他们的归属感需求被激发时,评出他们喜欢的电视节目的重要程度。Study 2 used essays to experimentally manipulate the belongingness needs of 102 undergraduate subjects and assess the importance of their favored television programs when those needs were stimulated.