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那家小餐馆曾经是镇里最好的咖啡馆。The Caff used to be the town's best café

茶馆是消磨夜晚的好去处。The caff is a good place to wile away an evening.

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有三架旧的太空战机在那家小餐馆里。There are three old Space Wars machines at The Caff.

里只有一个做奶昔的机器。There was only one milkshake machine left at The Caff.

有一个鸡蛋去茶馆喝茶,结果它变成了茶叶蛋。An egg had tea in a caff , as a result, it became a tea-leaf egg.

麦当劳正引进更健康的食物和迎合地区口味的商品,像拿铁等。Mcdonald ' s is introducing healthier foods and items that cater to regional tastes , like caff lattes.

一项新研究刚刚证明小睡的威力强过一罐咖啡甚至是晚上多睡一会儿。A new study just released proves the power of a nap over a jolt of caff EIne and even more sleep at night.

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幸运地,我一毕业,我就被聘用于卡福公司并担任技术人员直到现在。Fortunately once I graduated , I was hired by ChongQing CAFF and have served as a technician at the company to the present.

北极动植物保护的建立是用来满足快速发展中的北极地区种群及其生活环境的特殊需要。CAFF was established to address the special needs of Arctic species and their habitats in the rapidly developing Arctic region.

多次品尝每一种咖啡的味道,直到您可以辨识出优肯综合咖啡和意大利烘焙咖啡在佛罗娜咖啡味道中的份量。Taste each coffee multiple times, until you can pick out the contribution both Yukon Blend and Italian Roast make to Caff è Verona.

这个网站介绍了北极动植物保护成员和活动的概况,提供了北极地区的地图和图片以及可供下载的北极动植物保护报告。This site provides an overview of CAFF's members and activities, maps and graphics of arctic regions and the CAFF reports for download.

该系统利用数字信号处理专用芯片TMS320C31,采用恒虚警算法,实现自动增益实时控制。In this system, AGC is controlled automatically on real time basis with the aid of special Digital Signal Process Chip TMS320C31 and CAFF algorithm.

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我们使用了一个独特的意大利混合组成的7个不同的咖啡豆为我们家的咖啡,这是独有的咖啡和烤尼禄我们准确的规格。We use a unique Italian blend made up of seven different beans for our house coffee, which is exclusive to Caff è Nero and roasted to our precise specifications.

在我回饭店弥补我那非常缺乏的睡眠的路上,我想这可能是因为这里的人多年喝阿拉伯咖啡的习惯所以才更喜欢这种浓烈的意式咖啡。As I head for my hotel to get some precious sleep, I wonder if it is the long tradition of drinking Turkish coffee in this country that makes people order caff è espresso.