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我需要一副耳机。I need a headset.

请给我一副耳机。May I have a headset?

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换一个头戴式耳机吧。Use a headset instead.

能给我一副耳机吗?Could I get a headset?-Certainly.

打电话的时候要用耳机吗?Should you use a hands-free headset?

然后检查了舒尔SE210隔音耳机。Shure SE210 "noise" then check " the " headset.

检查松动在前面的耳机轴承。Check for looseness in front and headset bearings.

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运用时,用力拉扯音频线,能够招致耳机保护。When used force pull audio cable, headset may damage.

Valkee公司于2010年8月推出亮光耳机。Valkee launched its bright-light headset in August 2010.

使用免持听筒耳机就真的比较安全吗?Is it true that using a headset makes you a safer driver?

耳机同时支持免提及耳机功能。Your headset supports both Handsfree and Headset Profiles.

如果你从事唱片工作,请购买上好的麦克风和耳机。If you’re doing recording, invest in a good mic or headset.

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使用有线耳机或扩音器功能,就能达到预防目的。Just use a wired headset or the speakerphone function,” she said.

要么意味着戴耳机听收音机里的英文节目。or whether that means listening to the English radio on a headset

嗯,扶手里有一副耳机供你欣赏音乐。Well, there's a headset plug in the armrest for you to enjoy music.

这是通讯耳机,你可以在很多的太空服上看到。This is the communication headset you'll see on lots of space suits.

为了达到最佳效果,记录的声音通过你的耳机拨号标签。For best results, record the voice dialling tag through your headset.

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那个系统就通过现成的无线脑电波头戴设备控制一部苹果手机。That system uses an off-the-shelf wireless EEG headset to control an iPhone.

拨号器是通过一个USB接口或耳麦装备从计算机上将电话打出的。The dialer makes out going phone calls on the pc with a USB phone or headset.

另一项专利则描述了一种装有加速度计的无线耳机。Another application refers to a wireless headset equipped with an accelerometer.