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这个项目是一种创新。This is a new creation.

似在欢呼一个新的时代。That hails a new creation.

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为您创造价值。The FTM is your creation value.

修复频道创造。Fixed Homebrew Channel creation.

脚本化的团队项目创建Scriptable Team Project creation

思想和创造之间也是这样。So it is with thought and creation.

这就是创建函数。This is the creation of a function.

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王文芳的创造是成功的。Wang Wenfang creation is successful.

st_ctime——文件的创建时间st_ctime -- the file's creation time

创建和使用共享的上下文。Creation and usage of shared context.

什么是艺术创作自由?What is freedom in artistic creation?

他说,银行只是一个简单的产物。A bank, he says, is a simple creation.

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显示了一个新的极小创造。Shows the creation of a new minimizer.

于是,这张专辑,是一个混血产物。The album, then, is a hybrid creation.

创立的新州政府。The creation of new state governments.

创立有益于老年人的环境。creation of age-friendly environments.

我把这种工作称为“轻松创造”。I call it work as “effortless creation.

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服务组装创建——阶段二。Service Assembly Creation -- Stage Two.

这种主体性创作推进了词史演进。This pushed forward the creation of ci.

艺术无非就是想象性的创造而已。Art is nothing but imaginative creation.