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具有顽固性和复发性的特点。The trait is stubborn and recuperative.

你可以很好的照顾自己,并有很强的恢复能力。Health. You take good care of yourself and have great recuperative.

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有机的自然都有使自己得以恢复的能力,为什么唯独处女的贞洁就没有呢?The recuperative power which pervaded organic nature was surely not denied to maidenhood alone.

数以百万计来印度每年获得的待遇,并享受其疗养假期印度各地。Millions come to India every year to get treated and then enjoy their recuperative holidays across India.

只是不停地挖掘而不懂被动的恢复和治疗的力量是愚蠢的,不平衡的。It would be foolish and unbalanced to keep on digging without the recuperative and healing power of passivity.

目的探讨宫颈癌患者术后膀胱功能恢复时间。Objective To explore the bladder recuperative time of patients with uterine cervix cancer after hysterectomia.

摩擦电喷枪、涂料展位、聚合室、换热装置、振动筛和交通运输系统。Triboelectric spray guns, coating booths, polymerization chambers, recuperative installations, vibrating screens, and transport systems.

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方法利用庐山疗养地的气候、景观、森林浴、矿泉浴等疗养因子对亚健康人群进行康复调节。Methods Exploit the recuperative factors, mineral springs and so on, observe the factors take effect on sub-healthy bodies' recuperation.

几个医疗中心则有著最新的恢复技术,虽然这个技术已被外星的生理学研究者修订。The medical centers are stocked with the latest in recuperative technology, though it is tailored for the physiology of the alien researchers.

本文介绍了温度计玻璃管的技术特点,以及垂直拉制这种玻璃管的小型换热式池炉。Technical properties of capillary tubes for glass thermometers are given and a special recuperative tank furnace for vertically drawing these tubes is described.

不含对人体有害成分,与聚乙基-氨基甲酸酯一样有极强的张力、弹性和恢复能力,转印之后即可触摸。It is non-toxic goods. It is very excellent the tensile force, the elasticity and the recuperative power as the polyurethane resin. It is agreeable to the touch after transferred.

对间壁式空气预热器的结构特点与改进、性能原理及其应用情况进行了简要介绍。The characteristic of configuration and betterment about recuperative air preheater is briefly introduced, at the same time the heat-exchange theory and application are recommended.

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结论鼓浪屿疗养区紫外线丰富,要根据不同季节的气候特点合理安排疗养生活。Conclusion The UV rays in Gulangyu sanatory district was abundant, recuperative open air life may be arranged reasonable according to dissimilarity season of the weather characteristics.

为此,我们提出被动伸展性抗阻功能训练方法,试图为专项的功能训练和康复训练提供指导帮助。Therefore, we put forth the method of resistive functional training of passive spread, in order to provide some directive help for the special functional training and recuperative training.

我们的预言家最容易出错的地方可能是对欧洲拉丁语区的恢复力估计不足,忽视了阿拉伯沙漠的潜在力量。Where our prophet would have been most likely to err would have been in understimating the recuperative power of the Latin end of Europe, and in ignoring the latent forces of the Arabian desert.