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其他分析师更加谨慎。Other analysts are more circumspect.

他们心细,热爱他们的职业。They are circumspect , and they love this career.

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这一次加州的各个机构更为谨慎。This time the Californian utilities are being more circumspect.

在所有的事未考虑好之前,不要遽下结论,要慎重点。Don't jump to a conclusion before considering all the facts. Be circumspect.

她性格中不同寻常之处是她又为人直爽,却又小心谨慎。The anomaly in her personality is that she is both outgoing and circumspect.

我们决不可能指望一个生龙活虎的青年会始终小心周到。We must not expect a lively young man to be always so guarded and circumspect.

我们决不可能指望一个生龙活虎的青年会始终小心周到。We must not expect a lively young man to be always so guarded and circumspect.

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在别处,费鲁奇对于沃森的理解水平颇为谨慎。Elsewhere, Ferrucci has been more circumspect about Watson's level of "understanding."

其良好的产品质量、合理的价位以及完整周到的服务,深受广大客户称誉。The good quality, reasonable prices and circumspect services have won praises from customers.

然而,他的顶头上司印度内政部长帕拉尼亚潘·奇丹巴拉姆更谨慎。His ultimate boss, however, India's home minister, Palaniappan Chidambaram, was more circumspect.

你必须拥有审慎的念住与合理的明辨这个人类价值。You have to be endowed with the human values of circumspect mindfulness and reasonable discernment.

优质周到的售后服务及技术支持使您无后顾之忧。High quality plus circumspect after-sales service and technology supporting could make you rest easy.

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美国官员周二对寻求针对朝鲜采取的行动出言谨慎。U. S. officials were circumspect Tuesday about the actions they're seeking to take against Pyongyang.

凡经本人推荐的产品均保证提供及时周到的售后服务。All the products that I have recommended can be supplied by prompt and circumspect after-sales services.

多样化的制度设计为市场主体的并购重组提供了较为全面而周延的选择。Diversified system is designed to market M & A mainstay has provided a comprehensive and circumspect choice.

这里有最权威的德国医疗团队倾心为您服务,有最先进的技术,有最严谨的制药态度作为基础。Here has the authorized Germany medical team, advanced technology and the most circumspect tragacanth attitude.

稍早,印度外长慕克吉站在库雷希旁边向媒体短暂露面,印度外长显得更加谨慎。Earlier, standing beside Qureshi at a brief appearance for reporters, the Indian foreign minister was more circumspect.

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有些右派人士更为谨慎,他们认为,至少对现在而言,行政机构改革可能是最好的一条路径。Some in this camp are far more circumspect and argue that administrative reform might be the best route, for now at least.

将军们随即庄严肃穆地退场,像参加完了葬礼一样。After that the generals began to disperse with the solemnity and circumspect taciturnity with which people separate after a funeral.

同样由于中间性援助社团的努力,中间性症状的医学治疗已经变得不那么武断和更加的慎重了。Thanks also to intersex advocacy groups, the medical treatment of intersexual conditions has become less dogmatic and more circumspect.