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辐射还能对肉类进行消毒。Irradiation can also sterilize meat.

这都驱使着辐照杀菌愈来愈受主张。All of this drives advocates of irradiation crazy.

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锆锡合金由于中子辐照而引起生长。Zircaloy growth could be induced due to irradiation.

你赞成用食品辐射照射技术来消毒食物吗?。Do you agree to use food irradiation to sterilize food?

解释了辐照过程中的剂量率效应。The dose-rate effect during irradiation is interpreted.

详细分析了辐照剂量控制方法。The method of con trolling irradiation dosage is analyzed.

肝癌患者能耐受全肝移动条照射。The patients tolerated MST of total liver irradiation well.

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辐照会残留一些不明的放射性物质在食物里面。Irradiation leaves no traces of radioactive material in food.

微波作用下酞类指示剂的快速合成。Synthesis of Phthalein Indicators under Microwave Irradiation.

制造中子弹的目的是为了用致命的辐射来杀死坦克操作手们。Neutronbombs are meant to kill tank crews by lethal irradiation.

咸信温室效应气体是导致全球气温升高的主因。Global Temperature Forced by Solar Irradiation and Greenhouse Gases?

辐照保鲜技术可以在脱水蔬菜中安全应用。Irradiation preservation technology is safe to dehydrated vegetables.

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另外一些支持团体对辐照的长期性安全感到怀疑。And some advocacy groups question the long-term safety of irradiation.

利用DTM,进行地形辐射校正,以消除地形辐照度差异。DTM is need to correct irradiation difference for different topography.

目的观察大剂量电离辐射对晶状体的影响。Objective To observetheeffect of high -dose irradiation on ocular lens.

光照对悬浮培养的玫瑰茄细胞生物量无影响。Light irradiation did not affect the biomass of roselle cell suspension.

紫外线照射可影响蟾蛤类的胚胎发育。Ultraviolet irradiation influenced on embryo's development of Bufo bufo.

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窗户的可调节百叶会随着照射在立面上的阳光自动升降。Adjustable louver window with irradiation in the facade sun automatic lifting.

目的观察低功率氦—氖激光局部照射对鼓膜外伤的疗效。Objective To observe the effect of He—Ne laser irradiation on injured tympanum.

采取60秒辐射限定了剩余伽玛射线水平的增高。An irradiation of 60 sec. limits the build-up of excessive gamma radiation levels.