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事实上,喜欢吃烫食的人更容易患上食道癌。The truth is, doing so increases the risk of oesophagus cancer.

食道仅为咽和肠间的一段简单管。The oesophagus is only a brief pipe between pharynx and intestine.

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如果括约肌不及时工作,胃酸就会进入食管。If the sphincter does not work properly, stomach acid flows into the oesophagus.

食道粘膜为复层扁平上皮,粘膜内有粘液细胞。The mucosa of oesophagus is multi-layered. There are mucous cells in the mucous membrane.

如果损害到食道,导致炎症,这就是所谓的。Gord . If the damage to the oesophagus leads to inflammation, this is called oesophagitis.

食道很短,但上皮包括复层鳞状上皮区和单层柱状上皮区。The oesophagus was very short, and stratified and simple columnar squamous epitheliums were identified.

介绍周维顺教授对食管癌的认识、诊断、临床用药治疗和预防的经验。It introduces the recognition, diagnosis, clinical administration and prevention experiences on oesophagus cancer.

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方法自1994年以来共收治食管化学烧伤后瘢痕狭窄患者8例,均采用胸骨后右半结肠移植再造食管术。Methods From 1994,8cases of strait scar from chemic burn were treated by reforging oesophagus after grafting colon.

最初父亲抱怨被苹果核划破了喉咙,几个星期后,他就被诊断出患有食道癌。After weeks of complaining that an apple core had scratched his throat, my dad was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus.

胃食管反复逆流致使食道内部上火,从而导致食管炎。Oesophagitis is inflammation of the inner lining of the oesophagus caused by repeated episodes of gastro-oesophageal reflux.

气管位于所有有气管的动物的食管前面,而且所有动物都有一条和肺连接的气管。The windpipe is situated in front of the oesophagus in all animals that have a windpipe , and all animals have one that are.

马迷走神经干上,从神经根起,到食管裂孔处,整个神经干全长均有细胞分布。Cells are distributed on the whole length of the vagus nerve trunk of the horse, from the nerve root to the hiatus oesophagus.

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在临床工作中,往往只重视对食管的损害而忽视可能因此而引起的呼吸道症状,易误诊。In the clinical work, usually the value injure oesophagus but neglect possibility therefore cause of breath way symptom, easy misdiagnosis.

人谁有胃酸倒流频繁,在相当长的一段时间内,也有轻微增加患癌风险的食道。People who have acid reflux frequently, over a long period of time, also have a slightly increased risk of developing cancer of the oesophagus.

目的探讨食管贲门癌的有效治疗方法,改善患者的生存质量,延长生存期。Objective To find the effective treatment of carcinomas of oesophagus and cardia to improve the quality of life and to prolong survival of the patients.

目的探讨结肠移植再造食管治疗食管化学烧伤后瘢痕狭窄的方法及其临床疗效。Objective To investigate the clinic effect in the treatment of reforging oesophagus after grafting colon to treat the strait oesophagus scar from chemic burn.

但是越来越多的证据显示,食烫物和喝热饮的饮食习惯的确会增加患食道癌的风险。But they do provide more evidence that a regular habit of eating and drinking very hot foods and drinks could increase your risk of developing cancer of the oesophagus.

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结论胸骨后右半结肠移植再造食管治疗食管化学烧伤后瘢痕狭窄,操作简单,并发症少,效果满意。Conclusion Reforging oesophagus after grafting colon to treat the strait scar from chemic burn has the advantages of simple manipulation, less complication and good effect.

据知,患者还会出现肠内并发症,致使食管或结肠扩张,令患者难以正常进食或排便。Intestinal complications are also known to develop in patients resulting in an enlarged oesophagus or colon which make it difficult for the person to eat normally or pass stool.

食管癌被认为特别是和吸烟和酗酒联系在一起的,但是,热的饮料也已经被思考成为其患病的因素之一,其原因可能是在于它对于咽喉组织的伤害吧。Cancer of the oesophagus is linked especially to smoking and alcohol abuse but hot beverages have also been considered a risk factor, possibly because of damage to throat tissue.