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两手空空。Hands empty.

这是空的吗?Is this empty?

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空的那口吗?The empty one?

却是影单空忧伤。Alone is empty.

空屋。An empty house.

许诺成空?Empty promises?

把瓶子倒空!Empty the vase!

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清空你的大脑。Empty your mind.

浮空城。Float empty city.

你的包是空的吗?Is your bag empty?

他来时带来的是一把空枪。The gun was empty.

她的钱包是空的。Her purse is empty.

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他的氧气罐空了。His tank was empty.

我看见有空桌子。I see empty tables.

我腰里没钱。My pocket is empty.

这土穴是空的。The hole was empty.

空巢综合症?Empty Nest Syndrome?

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画纸仍旧是一片空白。Her paper was empty.

我的信箱是空的。My mailbox was empty.

有时候它是空的。Sometimes it’s empty.