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粘胶在酸浴中成形为粘胶人造丝。The viscose in acid bath coagulate to viscose rayon.

血液开始在伤口的边缘凝固。Blood began to coagulate around the edges of the wound.

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胃液中的一种酶能使乳类凝结。An enzyme that occurs in gastric juice causes milk to coagulate.

多数聚合物乳浊液在进入废水流时可能凝聚。Most polymer emulsion may coagulate when they enter waste streams.

下面让我来举一个例子,或许这样我们能够更好地明白这个教义。Let me see if I can coagulate this teaching as we draw it to a close.

在极端极性中,梦想凝结成共振的思想形态。In extreme polarity, dreams coagulate into thought-form that is resonant.

商品价值创造中的三种劳动是耗费劳动、传导劳动和凝结劳动。The three kinds of labor in value creation are live labor, transition labor and coagulate labor.

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只是幽蓝冰火的一截根茎,由此而凝聚出了幽蓝冰火的种子。Just You a root-stock of the blue ice fire, from here but coagulate You the seed of the blue ice fire.

或者我们根本找不到一种国民精神,一种能够凝聚力量的东西。Perhaps our root can not find a kind of citizen's spirit, a kind of thing that can coagulate strength.

以稠如凝脂、味甜纯正、清洁无杂质、不发酵者为佳。With thick as coagulate fat, sweet taste pure, clean without impurities, no fermentation is preferred.

将压缩机排出的高温、高压制冷剂蒸汽进行冷却,使其凝结为高压制冷剂液体。It can cool the high-temperature and high-pressure steam from the compressor and coagulate it to liquid.

如果你动作快了,鸡蛋就会凝结,你就无法做成一个蛋糊焦糖甜点。If you do this too quickly, the eggs will coagulate and you'll be stuck with a scrambled egg caramel mess.

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芳凝欲直接到南思寓所找女儿,问清楚她对婚姻有何疑虑。Fang coagulate directly to south apartment looking for a daughter, ask her if you have any concerns about marriage.

公司的各项服务,均凝结着东沛人的心血,并在国内外有着良好的口碑。Each service of company is coagulate Do-hope's painstaking effort and have a nicer public praise at home and abroad.

记着凝结在屠宰场里血水流成的河,那血从一排排悬挂的畜体上滴落下来。Remember the rivers of blood that coagulate in the slaughterhouses and drip away from the hanging rows of carcasses.

带正电的粒子将聚积在阴极上,带负电的粒子会在阳极上聚集。Positively-charged particles will coagulate at the cathode, and negatively- charged particles will collect at the anode.

极性在它以一种方式旋转的特别性质中,导致能量在某处凝结或凝块,而在另一处却没有能量。Polarity in it's very nature spins in a manner that causes energy to coagulate or clump in one place and lack in another.

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其文化寓意的主题则凝聚了惠安女的智慧,表现了她们向往和追求美好愿望的渴求。Its cultural connotations coagulate the wisdom of Hui'an women and express the beautiful wishes they yearn for and pursue.

顿时,一只由力量凝聚而成的力量巨掌就从虚空中迅猛的威压了下来。Immediately, a from strength of strength coagulate but become mammoth Zhang the fast fierce Wei pressed down from the unreal.

无论顺境逆境我凝聚着道无论痛苦幸福我呼唤着道。Regardless the fortunate circumstances adverse circumstances I coagulate a regardless painful happiness of way, I call a way.