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吊索具是一种起重工具。Sling with a lifting gear.

吊索具是起重工具的一种。Sling with a lifting gear kind.

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右后方口袋里是一只弹弓。In his right-rear pocket a sling.

但是很快你就发现那原来是大卫投石带。But it turns out to be David's Sling.

那男孩用弹弓射了一粒石子。The boy discharged a stone from a sling.

诽谤抹黑他,然后你赢了。Debilitate or sling mud at him, and you win!

一吊索是一个完美的回答了这个问题。A sling is the perfect answer to this problem.

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请把这些空瓶子处理掉。Would you please sling out these empty bottles.

找到那个缠着绷带的光头男人并扣留他!Find the bald guy with the sling and detain him!

大卫用的的弹弓和石弹杀死巨人歌利亚。David uses his sling and a stone to kill Goliath.

用吊索或磁铁通过钢瓶帽升起钢瓶。Lift a cylinder by its cap using a sling or a magnet.

应该穿一些紧实的鞋子,像高跟鞋和后带挑空式的凉鞋。Wear only closed shoes such as pumps and sling backs.

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一位母亲搅动着明火上大盘子里煮着的肉丸,她的背后用色彩鲜艳的布巾系着一个宝宝。A baby in a brightly coloured sling clung to her back.

贾斯汀当然不会把围巾笨拙地缠在脖子上。Justin doesn't clumsily sling his scarf around his neck.

投石没有被正确放置在弹射臂上!The sling isn't correctly positioned on the Cyclops ' arm!

很明显有一勾被你们的理货员漏掉了。It's obvious that one sling was missed out by your tallyman.

以座位吊索和地点框架冠在引擎盖。Take the seat sling and place the hood over the frame crown.

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在这个小镇中,他是大家的嘲弄对象。He is the man at whom every one would sling off in this town.

超级性吊索促进一个强烈的性经验。The Super Sex Sling facilitates an intense sexual experience.

将尊荣给愚昧人的,好像人把石子包在机弦里。Like tying a stone in a sling is the giving of honor to a fool.