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你没听说吗?我们的足球队在校际比赛中输了。Haven't you heard?Our football team has lost in the extramural match.

论文阶段由校内导师和校外导师共同承担。Thesis should be instructed by both intramural and extramural academic advisor.

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呆在城市里的想出去,城市外的想进来,典型的围城心理。Stay in the city think up, city extramural thinks, psychology of typical encircle a city.

指导中小学校的德育、校外教育和安全管理。to guide the ethic conduct education of primary and secondary schools, extramural education and safety management.

外部的大学和医学中心科研团队的项目,主要以申请基金的方式获得资助。The extramural program will be mainly based on a call for proposals to university research teams and medical centers.

他的外部资金来自于国家科学基金和国立精神卫生研究所。His extramural funding has come from sources such as the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Mental Health.

目的探讨直肠腺癌远端肠壁内和壁外的播散转移差异及远端播散的临床意义。Objective To study the difference between intramural distal spread and extramural distal spread and significance of distal spread for patients with rectal cancer.

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现任香港业馀手球总会董事局成员,执行委员会顾问、体育部对外体育活动小组召集人。Member of Board of Director of Hong Kong Amateur Handball Association, Advisor of Executive Committee of HKAHA, Convener of Extramural Sports Activities Committee.

本文以教育资源市场经济论、校本管理理论和教育行政管理理论为依据,揭示了高校校外办学的一系列问题。The thesis reveals series of problems for extramural cooperative education based on the theory of recourse marketing economics, school-based management and educational administration.

普通高中校内考试是一种考试标准、内容不经校外机构或团体审核、批准的考试,其对学生的学习具有检查性、反馈性、发展性的功用。The senior high school intramural examination is a type of examination whose examinatorial standard and content are independent of the intevention from any extramural organization or group.

他的学习和研究,以及他的各种各样的校外活动逐渐把他带到了一个与其从小成长的道路完全不同的社会轨道,大大丰富了他的生活阅历。His studies, combined with his extramural activities, gradually brought him into quite a different social orbit from the one he grew up in, which led to quite an enrichment of his life experience.