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我在鱼缸里养了一只乌龟。I keep a turtle in the fishbowl.

只有一只鱼在鱼缸里。There is only one fish in the fishbowl.

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鱼缸里的鱼到底是为了什么而活?What is the fish in the fishbowl living for?

你们都是怎么对待生活在鱼缸里的日子呢?How are you all coping with living in a fishbowl?

那只钻戒被扔进了养鱼缸的水里。The diamond ring was soused into the fishbowl of water.

我告诉她,1977年来中国,感觉自己就像是玻璃鱼缸里的一条鱼。I told her I had felt that we were like fish in a fishbowl in 1977-78.

在一个鱼缸和水族箱中的许多植物只是绿绿的而已,毫无生气。Most plants found in a fishbowl or aquariums are just green and boring.

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上次你喷药的时候没把金鱼缸盖上,金鱼差点全死光。The last time you sprayed we almost lost them when you didn't cover up the fishbowl !

我想我生活在一个装满鱼的碗里面,所以我搬到华盛顿,那里的东西不同。Thought I was living in a fishbowl , so I moved to Washington where things were different.

我常常头上顶着个鱼缸在街上跑来跑去,假装自己是宇航员。I used to run around the street with a fishbowl over my head pretending I was an astronaut....

但是,这也使我的整个生活暴露在众目睽睽之下,所以我尽可能的伪装自己。But I have also had to live my whole life in a fishbowl . I have every disguise I can think of.

鱼缸用了硬的尼龙网外加的两个大吸盘牢牢吸在浴缸上。Fishbowl is made of tough nylon mesh material with two large suction cups for firm hold to bathtub wall.

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水族馆的工作人员告诉我们鱼缸的大小决定鲨鱼能长多大。People who work in aquaria tell us the size of fishbowl could tell us the shark's size after they grow up.

两位夫人还谈到了如何让孩子们在白宫里健康成长。The women also spoke about how best to handle having daughters grow up in the fishbowl of the White House.

在戛纳这个玻璃鱼缸里看到同样的女演员走来走去真是有一点小腻。In the fishbowl that is Cannes, watching the same starlets hit the carpet over and over can get a little dull.

我在一个小镇长大,那儿几乎每个人都了解我的生活。有的时候我觉得我像活在玻璃缸里的鱼一样,毫无隐私可言。I grew up in a small town where everybody knew about my life. There were times when I thought I was living in a fishbowl.

卡内基瓜大学的鱼缸博士队设计了讲解可持续性、副产品和废物的游戏。The Dr. Fishbowl team from Carnegie Melon University designed a game that teaches about sustainability, byproducts and waste.

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但是一旦你们接受了纳税人的钱,你们就进入了一个透明鱼缸,每个人都可以从任何一个角度观察你们的每一个举动。But when you took taxpayer money you moved into a fishbowl. Now everyone is rightly watching your every move from every side," he said.

这个样貌奇特的鱼缸的设计灵感,来自于一滴即将从它正停留表面滑落的水珠。The shape of this amazing fishbowl was inspired by a water drop which was ready to flow over the edge of the surface it was resting on.

但是一旦你们接受了纳税人的钱,你们就进入了一个透明鱼缸,每个人都可以从任何一个角度观察你们的每一个举动。But when you took taxpayer money you moved into a fishbowl. Now everyone is rightly watching your every move from every side, " he said.