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加入糖蜜和蛋黄搅拌。Stir in molasses and egg yolk.

球形蛋黄液囊提供营养品。Bulbous yolk sacs provide nourishment.

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白煮蛋的黄可以给他吃。He will eat the yolk of my egg for me.

传统月饼里有五仁蛋黄月饼吗?。I most like to eat egg yolk moon cake.

黄色是她房间的主色。The yolk is the yellow part in an egg.

卵黄囊逐渐被血管化了。The yolk sac is gradually vascularized.

筛入低筋面粉入蛋黄浆。Sift cake flour into the egg yolk mixture.

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绵滑的蛋黄配以香脆的椰丝。Creamy egg yolk with crunchy shredded coconut.

加入蛋黄和杏仁油,把他们混合起来。Add the egg yolk and the almond oil and mix well.

梦多又健忘,粥里加蛋黄。Dream, which also forgetful, porridge Riga egg yolk.

反之,往小蜥蜴卵中添加卵黄,他们孵出了雌性蜥蜴。Adding yolk to a little egg was a recipe for a female.

调味汁不能煮沸,不然蛋黄会凝结的。The sauce should not boil or the egg yolk will curdle.

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把捣碎的蛋黄和蛋白小块放入碗里。Put the mashed yolk and the egg white cubes into a bowl.

咸鸭蛋也特地道,蛋清光洁似玉,蛋黄呢?Salted duck egg white is pure, smooth like jade, egg yolk?

此外,我们提供高品质洗选蛋、咸蛋黄、皮蛋、卤蛋与白煮蛋给消费者。We provide egg white, yolk and mixture of both to customers.

天妇罗粉与蛋黄及水拌成浆。Mix tempura flour with egg yolk and water. Stir into a batter.

把烧开的牛奶混合液倒入蛋黄和细白砂糖混合物中,不断搅动。Place the egg yolk and sugar in a bowl and whisk until creamy.

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我公司出口的蛋品有鲜蛋,再造蛋和蛋黄三大品种。The eggs we expect are fresh eggs, processd eggs and egg yolk.

鸡尾酒红眼睛需要在表面上加一个蛋黄。A Red Eye is red beer with an egg yolk floating on the surface.

现在,为什么只咸蛋黄石油问题都可以得到解释。Now, why would a salted egg yolk oil problems can be explained.